Saturday, November 28, 2015

Belgium - Mayor of Arendonk sends Email: "Asylum seekers, stay away from our women".

Belgium - Mayor of Arendonk sends Email: "Asylum seekers, stay away from our women". (HLN)[GoogleTranslated].

Mayor Kristof Hendrickx pointed out in an e-mail to the asylum center in Arendonk insisted that asylum seekers Should not harass women and girls.

The political party PvdA speaks of shame about the e-mail, but according to Kristof Hendrickx this did not happen without reason. "I get more and more complaints about intentional intrusive and even physical harrassment by asylum seekers," said the mayor.

For every inhabitant of Arendonk is November 25 indicated in the agenda. On that day traditionally attract children from house to house to sing Sinte Katriena. Following that children's mayor Kristof Hendrickx Wednesday sent an e-mail to the director of the detention center in Arendonk.

"Tonight, between 18.00h and 20.00h, it is in Arendonk Sinte Katriena, where a children's party go's along the Arendonksesteenweg from house to house. And sing' sintekatriena, fille fille mina, kjeske vur cent ne ..." "writes mayor Kristof Hendrickx in the email.

"May I ask that the residents of the asylum center respect our children's feat and that they also do not bother the wives, girls and the likes of them? Thanks in advance for your cooperation".

The political party PVDA - which released the email they received via staff off the asylum center - talks about the shame they feel because of the text of the mayor. Read the full story here.


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