Sunday, November 29, 2015

Video - Egyptian Sheikhs Lead Islamization Campaign in Africa: Jesus is the Slave of Allah and His Messenger

Egyptian Sheikhs Lead Islamization Campaign in Africa: Jesus is the Slave of Allah and His Messenger. Memri

Egyptian cleric Wahid Abd Al-Salam Bali has led several Islamization delegations in Africa in recent years. The delegations, consisting mostly of Egyptian preachers, have toured the Islamic nations of Malawi, Uganda, Tanzania, and Ghana, and preached Islam to mostly Christian rural communities. According to Sheikh Bali's Facebook page, a 7-day campaign in Malawi in November 2015 yielded 4,379 new converts. It is noteworthy that the proselytizing sheikhs have modified the shahada recitation, in light of the mostly Christian target audience. 
To the customary "I attest that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger," they have supplemented the sentence: "I attest that Jesus is the slave of Allah and His Messenger."

"The Preachers of the Horizons of the Future institute Tour the Land to Inform about Islam"
Posted on October 17, 2015

Egyptian cleric Sheikh Wahid Abd Al-Salam Bali, head of the delegation: You are the descendants of the descendants of the companions of the Messenger of Allah. May you be blessed. On Judgment Day, this land will bear witness on your behalf that you have come here, to call people to join Allah. Your footsteps will speak on Judgment Day, and say that your feet have trodden these lands, calling people to join Allah, and ushering people from darkness into light, from the path of error to the path of right guidance, and from kufr to Islam.

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