Tuesday, November 3, 2015

UN High Commissioner for Refugees has an interactive daily map of migrants 'entering' in Europe.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees has an interactive daily map of migrants arriving and spreading in Europe.HT (RRW).

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has an interactive daily map of migrants arriving and spreading in Europe.  This is a screenshot for this morning.  Have a look, here.   Notice that Hungary has seemingly good borders as only 31 slipped through on November 2.

It is actually very interesting to be able to click on the sliding scale and go back day by day to see where the flow moved since September. Hmmm......Now you can follow the 'invasion' of EU[Rabia] practically live.

Related: All Employment Growth Since 2000 in the U.S. Went to Immigrants - Number of U.S.-born not working grew by 17 million.

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