Monday, December 14, 2015

EU, US States And Can provinces push for 2050 ban on petrol and diesel cars.

EU, US States And Can provinces push for 2050 ban on petrol and diesel cars. (Caradvice).

The European Commission’s push to have conventional petrol and diesel vehicles banned from dense city areas is building steam, with news this week that more regions will work towards the same goal.

In 2011, the European Commission proposed a commitment to massively transform Europe’s transport networks and needs, in a bid to cut overall carbon emissions by around 60 per cent.

The plan had initially been rejected by the UK, but this month’s international climate conference in Paris has seen 13 international members – including the UK – commit to accelerating the global adoption of zero-emission vehicles.

The UK already has the largest market for ultra-low emission vehicles in the EU, and the fourth largest in the world and today’s pledge reaffirms our commitment to ensuring almost every car and van is a zero emission vehicle by 2050,” UK transport minister Andrew Jones said.

Members of the new International Zero Emissions Vehicle Alliance include The Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom in Europe; Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon, Rhode Island and Vermont in the United States; and Québec in Canada.

Jens Frølich Holthe, Political Advisor to Norway’s Minister for Environment, described the multi-region commitment as a positive step towards climate change control.

“We see working together with other proactive governments as a key to a global transition to an electric fleet. The problem of climate change is clearly global, and we see electric vehicles as one of the important global climate solutions.”   Hmmmm.....I presume Ontario is also included in this 'madness' since Wynne follows the California Model.Good luck with developing Electric trucks to transport all goods. Read the full story here.

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