Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Moscow considers extradition of Russian Citizen to U.S. from Finland unacceptable.

Moscow considers extradition of Russian Citizen to U.S. from Finland unacceptable. (RBTH).

Moscow is concerned by the information it received from Finland about the detention of Russian national Yu.V. Yefremov carried out at the U.S. request, considers his extradition to the U.S. as unacceptable, the Russian foreign ministry said.

"We call the Finnish side to strictly observe all constitutional guarantees, international law rules in the area of human rights and consular relations with respect to Yefremov.
We consider unacceptable any extradition of Yefremov to the U.S. where he may face an openly politicized and biased American Justice, as many other Russians already have, and may be subjected to unlawful measures of physical and psychological pressure in order to retrieve a needed testimony," Russian Foreign Ministry Ombudsman for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law Konstantin Dolgov said in a commentary.
"We expect Helsinki to take into account our multiple representations made in this regard. The Russian embassy in Finland will continue to provide Yefremov with consular and legal assistance, as necessary, to press for observation of his rights and lawful interests," Dolgov said.

"This is already the fourth such case in Finland so far this year," he recalled.

"We again encounter the extra-territorial application of the U.S. law to a Russian national in contradiction with the universally-recognized rules of international law.

Washington stubbornly persists to neglect the bilateral treaty on reciprocal judicial assistance in criminal cases signed in 1999, which stipulates for a clear mechanism of an exchange of information about individuals suspected of committing crimes," Dolgov said.

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