Saturday, December 5, 2015

UN Security Council members chose Egypt to head the Counter-Terrorism Committee, starting January 2016.

UN Security Council members chose Egypt to head the Counter-Terrorism Committee, starting January 2016.  (AlAhram).

Egypt has been chosen to head the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and two other committees starting January 2016, spokesperson to the Egyptian foreign ministry, Ahmed Abu Zeid, said in a statement.

Abu Zeid said that the choice of Egypt [to head the CTC] reflects the confidence of Security Council members in Cairo. The committee, comprising all 15 Security Council members, is tasked with monitoring implementation of Resolution 1373 (2001), which mandates UN member states implement a number of measures to enhance their legal and institutional ability to counter terrorist activities at home.

Abu Zeid also said that Egypt will be heading two other committees at the UN Security Council.

"Egypt will also be heading the commission ... to follow up on the sanctions regime on Iraq, and the commission ... to follow up on penal system [reform] in the Democratic Republic of Congo," the statement read.

Following the announcement, Abu Zeid, said Egypt will work “vigorously” to defend and support African and Arab priorities at the Security Council. Hmmm.......First action should be kick out Turkey and Qatar, second action outlaw the Muslim Brotherhood....and that's just for starters.

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