Sunday, December 13, 2015

Video - Jewish LA businessman pays $50 per meal for about 400 US soldiers in an airport in Shannon, Ireland

An LA businessman named Shlomo Rechnitz paid $50 per meal for about 400 US soldiers in an airport in Shannon, Ireland.

He saw them eating standard army food while all the other passengers in the terminal were eating in trendy and appetizing restaurants. Rechnitz then asked their commander if he can give them something extra.

This is Rechnitz offering words of appreciation to the soldiers after the commander agreed.

"I figured, I want to make the picture look a little better, and offered them $50 apiece to go to those restaurants and have a warm meal on me," Shlomo Rechnitz said on "Fox & Friends." Rechnitz also offered words of appreciation for the soldiers. A video of that has gone viral, picking up over 600,000 views.

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