Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Lavrov: Russia May Consider Iran's Request on Buying Tanks, Military Jets.

Lavrov: Russia May Consider Iran's Request on Buying Tanks, Military Jets.(SP).

Deliveries of S-300 air defense systems to Iran will be completed by year-end, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Sputnik.

"I believe they [deliveries] are likely to be completed this year," Lavrov said.

"The number [of S-300s] is in strict accordance with the contract. Frankly, I'm afraid of giving the wrong information now, I simply cannot remember [the exact number]. But the number is absolutely adequate in terms of Iran ensuring its legitimate security interests and protecting its airspace," he added.

"Now, by the way, bans on providing Iran with certain types of weapons — tanks, armored personnel carriers and combat aircraft — have been lifted and transferred to a permissive mode. So Iran can voice interest in these types of weapons. If we receive any requests, we will, of course, consider them," Lavrov said.

"I will repeat that the S-300s are not covered by any restrictions, neither are many types of small arms and light weapons. Therefore, all possibilities are open here. As for the permissive mode, which requires UN Security Council approval, if and when Iran expresses an interest in acquiring any of these items, the appropriate procedures will be implemented," he added. Read the full story here.

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