Thursday, May 5, 2016

'The credibility of Turkey's EU road rests today with PM Davutoglu. If he leaves, All bets are off': Carl Bildt.

'The credibility of Turkey's EU road rests today with PM Davutoglu. If he leaves, All bets are off': Carl Bildt. (BBC).

Turkey's Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu says he will stand down at an extraordinary congress of his ruling AK Party later this month.

Speculation about his resignation has been rife since Mr Davutoglu met President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday.

He is long thought to have disapproved of Mr Erdogan's plans to move Turkey to a presidential system of government.

He announced his resignation after holding talks with party leaders.

The congress would be held on 22 May, he said.

Turkey is also in the midst of implementing a key deal with the European Union, brokered by Mr Davutoglu, to limit the number of refugees flowing across its border in return for accelerated EU accession talks and financial aid.

The future of that agreement, which Mr Davutoglu was seen as having agreed with little input from the president, could be plunged into doubt by his departure.

Who will be his successor?

Among those tipped as successors to Mr Davutoglu are Transport Minister Binali Yildirim, who is close to Mr Erdogan, and Energy Minister Berat Albayrak, who is the president's son-in-law.

They will be formally elected at the party congress. What has been the fall-out?

The political uncertainty has rattled the financial markets. The Turkish lira suffered its heaviest daily loss on Wednesday, down almost 4% against the US dollar. It rallied slightly on Thursday but was still well off its previous trading levels. Hmmmm..........Erdogan is acting just like Hitler, who removed Ernst Röhm The SA leader to have a one man dictatorship, we just got a whole lot closer to WWIII. Read the full story here.

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