Sunday, August 22, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                         Afternoon Posting.

  • Al Fayed had 'cursed' Harrods' royal warrants burned.Former Harrods owner Mohamed Al Fayed has revealed he ordered the store's royal warrants to be destroyed in 2000.He said the endorsements, from the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales and the late Queen Mother, were a "curse" on the store.The billionaire also called for a "fitting" public memorial to Diana, Princess of Wales, and his son Dodi, who died in a Paris car crash in 1997.Mr Al Fayed made the comments in a letter to the Sunday Telegraph.He added: "I ordered their removal. Later, I had them burned. They were a curse and business tripled following their removal."He added: "With regard to the Royal Family visiting Harrods again, I doubt they would dare to show their faces."

  • Muslim center dispute sparks New York rallies.Supporters and opponents of a proposed Muslim cultural center and mosque near the World Trade Center site staged competing rallies in downtown Manhattan on Sunday, kept apart by police and barricades.The emotionally charged debate, which has gained national political significance, centers on plans to build the center two blocks from the site of the September 11, 2001 attacks by al Qaeda, which killed nearly 3,000 people.Hundreds of opponents on Sunday chanted "No Mosque," sang patriotic songs and waved photographs of violent attacks by Islamic extremists.One sign read: "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all the terrorists were Muslim."Many in the crowd opposing the center were firefighters and construction workers, who carried signs reading: "This is Sacred Ground to New Yorkers."One sign read: "Everything I Ever Needed to Know about Islam I Learned on 9/11."

  • At least seven implemented stonings by the Iranian autorities in the past 4 years ,at least 14 people waiting in the Iranian prisons to be stoned to death.As the stoning sentence of Mrs. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani has received increasing international attention, Iran Human Rights has published a short report on the sentence of stoning in Iran.Commenting this report, Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, the spokesperson of Iran Human Rights, said: "This report is based on information from reliable human rights sources as well as sources within the Iranian judiciary. Our purpose is to shed light on the facts regarding the incidence of stoning in Iran".

  • Emanuel Warned Obama: Keep Quiet On Ground Zero Mosque.Barack Obama has been criticized by both Republicans and Democrats over his backing of a plan to build a mosque near ground zero, the site of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on New York’s World Trade Center.Politico quoted several people familiar with the affair as saying that the US president publicly backed the plan despite a warning from Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and White House communications staffers that he would be “handing Republicans a weapon to batter Democrats as weak-kneed on terrorism three months before the midterms.”

  • A Dog Who Found the Master’s Leg: The 10 Most Braindead Statements In Defense of the 9/11 Mosque.As the 9/11 Mosque controversy was beginning to heat up the metaphor I conceived of to describe the Left’s predictable response was that of the teenager too scared to go “all the way.” I argued that the Left was “dry humping” Islam.That comparison seems too charitable. The level of submission now is just too overwhelming. Instead characterizing the Left as a puppy trying to show affection to its master seems more appropriate. The depths of submission to a stronger, more dominant ideology — Islam — presented here is just too stunning.

  • Please! Someone call 9-1-1! Eugene Robinson Just O.D.'ed on Stupid Pills!Something is very wrong with the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson. The proof is in the pudding or, in the case, the bowl full of stupid served up by Gene on Friday. His column, entitled "President Obama's winning streak", describes the under-appreciated management skills of #44.

  • HT:WeaselZippers.Caption This: I Went To The Asia Adult Expo And All I Got Was The Lousy Barack Obama Inflatable Doll.Wonder how much the Dem. Congressional Committee had to pay the caption writer to identify Barack as a (R) instead of a (D)? It really isn’t looking good for them, is it?

  • Video:Woman Suing Disney Over Hijab Didn’t Wear It Until She Became A US Citizen.She Had Been Working For Disney For Two Years Without Wearing It.Hmmm.....perhaps we better stoned Mickey and Donald also?

  • I Don’t Think the President Has Room in His Life for Another God. Jake Tapper can’t say that Barack Obama is a Christian any more than I can because it’s an unprovable statement. The closest he can get to objective truth is to quote what the President says about his own religious beliefs, or list some actions that most of us attribute to fairly devout Christians.If I had to say he worshiped a God, that God’s name is Barack Obama.

  • HT:AmericanThinker.Let Me Translate: We Don't Believe Him - or You.Memo to the ruling class media: We are not ignorant or stupid. We've not forgotten Jeremiah Wright. It's not that we don't "know" what faith Obama subscribes to -- it's more that we don't believe him. Or you. Sorry. Not buying.Besides, sometimes we just like to tweak you with our poll answers -- and use any poll as an excuse to "vote against Obama" in any way, shape or form.Frankly, it has been equal parts comedy and insult to watch the ruling class media haplessly wrestle with the reality that millions of Americans believe Obama to be a Muslim. They are so clueless.

  • All 5 women contacted refuse to join Turkel probe.Justice Minister Yaakov Ne'eman tells cabinet that five top female legalists have decline to sit on panel probing flotilla raid.

  • HT:IsraelMatzav.How to tell a 'moderate Muslim'.All Muslims claim to be 'moderate' and everyone is trying to find 'moderate Muslims.' How do you tell when you have found the real thing? Syrian-born Fahrid Ghadry explains. None of the US Officials have any Islamic experts on their staff (Have to be non-Muslims because extremists will influence these officials) to be able to, reasonably, understand what the aims of the extremists are when they build a Mosque at Ground Zero even though it is offensive to the 9/11 families and many Americans.My guess a moderate Muslim is something like an unicorn you hear a lot about them but you never actually find one?

  • Taliban snipers who killed ten British soldiers die in air strike.Four deadly foreign mercenary snipers hired by the Taliban have been killed after being tracked down by British Special Forces in Afghanistan.They were among at least three pairs of crackshots recruited by the Taliban from Pakistan, Egypt and Chechnya.The mercenaries – who can kill troops at a range of up to 650 yards – are understood to have shot dead up to ten British soldiers in recent weeks.

  • Taliban claim captured U.S. solider has converted to Islam and is teaching its fighters bomb-making skills.A captured American soldier is training Taliban fighters bomb-making and ambush skills, according to one of his captors and Afghan intelligence officials.Private Bowe Bergdahl disappeared in June 2009 while based in eastern Afghanistan and is thought to be the only U.S. serviceman in captivity.The 24-year-old has converted to Islam and now has the Muslim name Abdullah, one of his captors told The Sunday Times.

  • Bedbugs found in small area in basement of Empire State Building. First came King Kong. Now, bedbugs are trying to conquer the Empire State Building.An infestation of the creepy crawlers has hit the city's most iconic building, the Daily News has learned.The little critters invaded an employee changing room in the basement, prompting building officials to call in exterminators."There were guys there last night, spraying down the place," a source told The News yesterday.Now just try to imagine what these little critters could do to a place full of carpets like a Mosque in New york?

  • Internet Freedom Coalition Reply Comments on FCC Title II. The Commission is being asked by Free Press and other organizations to pursue a radical course of action - reclassifying information services as telecommunications services in order to regulate the Internet for the first time. We write to urge the Commission to keep the Internet free of new government regulation and taxation and to refrain from rushing into such a potentially disastrous course of action.Analysts are only beginning to grasp the extent of the disruptive and destructive consequences of regulating the Internet under Title II of the Communications Act, and the Commission is in no position to predict the outcome, much less assure Americans it will be positive. Americans have heard political leaders admit that we will not know the full extent or nature of massive health care and financial services regulations until after the underlying legislation has been passed. Now, Americans are facing the imposition of an even lesser-understood regulatory regime over the Internet without the benefit of any legislative process whatsoever.

  • Tale of tween drug queen 'We all thought she was 18, 19 - not a child'.In a Queens housing complex infested with drugs and ravaged by crime, she stood out.Her clothes were expensive and revealing. She rarely socialized outside of her circle. And she walked the halls of her Almeda Ave. apartment building in Far Rockaway with a confidence that some found off-putting."She was real professional, like a little bit stuck up," said a 19-year-old resident who identified herself as Kayla."Not too friendly. ... Just businesslike."It wasn't an act, cops say.The girl, who looked old enough to be in college, was busted last week for selling crack to an undercover cop.

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