Wednesday, February 2, 2011

MFS - The Other News

                         Afternoon Posting.

  • Egypt volatile situation deteriorating very quickly !Civil war might become reality. Mubarak wont step down immediately.MFS: What if Mubarak would tell Obama keep your 1,5 Billion -i'll close the Suez canal?Lets see how you like those apples?   - Al Jazeera English - Live Streams From Egypt ! Here .
  • Egypt protests on Twitter!  here.
  • Liveblog - Egypt's protests erupt. here.

  • HT:AmericanThinkers.The Story of the Egyptian Revolution.One week ago, Egypt was a stable authoritarian regime, prospects of change were minimal and every expert in Washington would have betted on the endurance of its regime. Today, Egypt is in a state of chaos. The regime, even after using its mightiest sword is not able to control the country and the streets of Egypt are in a state of utter lawlessness. As the world stands in awe, confusion, and worry at the unfolding events, perhaps it is important to write the evolving story that is happening in Egypt before any reflections can be made on them.Contrary to pundits, it turns out that the Egyptian regime was neither stable nor secure. The lack of its stability is not a reflection of its weakness or lack of a resolve to oppress. It is a reflection of its inherent contradiction to the natural desire of men to enjoy their basic freedoms. Egyptians might not know what democracy actually means, but that does not make the concept any less desirable. Perhaps it is precisely its vagueness and abstraction that makes the concept all the more desirable.Where Egypt will go from here is an enigma. In a sense everything will be the same. The army that has ruled Egypt since 1952 will continue to rule it and the country will still suffer from a huge vacuum of ideas and real political alternatives. On the other hand, it will never be the same again. Once empowered, the Egyptians will not accept the status quo for long.On the long run the Egyptian question remains the same. Nothing has changed in that regard. It is quite remarkable for people to be talking about the prospect for a democratic transition at this moment. A population that was convinced just two months ago that sharks in the Red Sea were implanted by the Israeli Intelligence Services is hardly at a stage of creating a liberal democracy in Egypt. But the status quo cannot be maintained. A lack of any meaningful political discourse in the country has to be addressed. Until someone actually starts addressing the real issues and stop the chatterbox of clichés on democracy, things will not get better at all. It will only get worse.Hmmmm......It's high time the Army restores order in the "Egyptian' way.Read the full story here.

  • HT:Aina.Obama's Brotherhood Moment!Game over: Barack Obama has endorsed a role for the Muslim Brotherhood in a new, post-Mubarak government for Egypt.This should come as no surprise. Obama has behaved consistently all along, from his refusal to back the protesters in Iran, who were demonstrating against an Islamic Republic, to his backing of these protesters in Egypt, to whom he has just given a green light to establish a government that, given numerous historical precedents, will likely be the precursor to an Islamic Republic.White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Monday that a post-Mubarak Egyptian ruling group "has to include a whole host of important nonsecular actors that give Egypt a strong chance to continue to be [a] stable and reliable partner."Robert Malley, an Obama adviser and Mideast negotiator for Bill Clinton, explained that Obama's expression of willingness to see the Brotherhood as part of a ruling coalition in Egypt was a "pretty clear sign that the U.S. isn't going to advocate a narrow form of pluralism, but a broad one."In The Post-American Presidency, Pamela Geller and I profile Robert Malley, Samantha Power, and other fierce foes of Israel in the Obama Administration. In light of the information we reveal in the book, the Administration's stance toward the Muslim Brotherhood comes as no surprise. But the ideology and goals of the Muslim Brotherhood will come as a surprise to most Americans, especially now that the mainstream media is retailing numerous soothing falsehoods about the group. Thus they warrant a closer look.Al-Banna is a revered figure in the Muslim world today, and by no means only among radicals. His grandson Tariq Ramadan, the well-known European Muslim moderate, praises his grandfather for his "light-giving faith, a deep spirituality, [and] personal discipline." And many of al-Banna's writings are still in print and circulate widely.The Brotherhood has never rejected or renounced al-Banna's vision or program. And now it is closer to implementing it in its homeland than it ever has been before -- no little thanks to Barack Obama.Hmmmm....."I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."Read the full story here.

  • Egypt rejects calls for transition to start forthwith.Belgian journalist beaten, held in Egypt barracks.A Belgian journalist was beaten up and dragged off to a barracks in Cairo on Wednesday by non-identified civilians who accused him of supporting Egyptian dissident Mohamed ElBaradei, his newspaper said.In a brief phone conversation from Cairo with daily Le Soir, Serge Dumont said:"It was aggressive, violent. I received several blows to the face. They claimed I was pro-ElBaradei. They took me to the military in one of the barracks at the outskirts of town.""There they gave me a glass of water, from the Nile, they said, to give me diarrhoea. I'm being held by two soldiers with Kalashnikovs. They say they're going to take me to the secret service. They say I'm a spy."Dumont, whose real name is Maurice Sarfatti, also covers the Middle East from Israel for Swiss paper Le Temps and French regional paper La Voix du Nord.He was covering a pro-Mubarak demonstration in the suburb of Choubra in central Cairo on Wednesday, Le Soir said.Read the full story here.

  • HT:TheWorstPoliticalBlog.Michelle wants to visit India again, says Obama.The Times of India: WASHINGTON: American First Lady Michelle Obama wants to visit India again, this time with her daughters Malia and Sasha, President Obama told India's national security advisor Shivshankar Menon when he dropped in on Menon's meeting with his US counterpart Tom Donilon at the White House last week. There was more to the remark than politeness.As if to emphasize he was not saying it for form's sake, Obama reportedly added that the First Lady is a "very determined" woman and she usually has her way.The Obama children did not make it to India during their parents' visit last November because the Obamas did not want them to miss school during a four-country trip starting in India that would have kept them away for two weeks.Hmmmmm......State of the Union speech" This March, I will travel to Brazil, Chile, and El Salvador to forge new alliances for progress in the Americas." What are the chances she would stay home?Read the full story here.

  • HT:Investors.Would We Drill For $200 Oil?Energy Security: As unrest spreads in the Middle East, threatening oil transport and oil-rich kingdoms, our laughable energy policy may come home to roost. Better get those wind turbines spinning in a hurry.Between them, the Suez Canal and adjoining pipeline transport some 4.5 million barrels of oil per day. More than 35,000 ships used the canal in 2009, about 10% of them oil tankers. The thought of the Muslim Brotherhood in control of it should give us pause. Yet that's a real possibility as the well-disciplined and ruthless mother of all Islamofascist groups lies in wait.The street protests that began in Tunisia and have consumed Egypt have spread to Jordan, prompting King Abdullah II to sack his prime minister and ask a predecessor in that post to form a new government that would push for reforms and get ahead of the curve of unrest in the region.Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan do not have much in the way of domestic energy supplies, but just down the road are the kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf emirates.The possibility of upheaval visiting their shores must be considered, especially with an ambitious and meddling Iran nearby.If ever there was a time when we needed to work on U.S. energy security and independence, that time is now. And we're not talking about carpeting vast expanses of American soil with solar panels and wind turbines to do nothing when the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow. We are talking about going after the American oil and natural gas we have deliberately put off-limits.Incredibly, we are moving in the opposite direction. The Energy Information Administration said last month that 2011 offshore oil production would decline 13% over 2010 due to the effects of the offshore drilling moratorium and the snail's-pace permitting process. That's about 220,000 fewer barrels of oil per day.The Heritage Foundation reports that new drilling permits are down 88% from their historical average. Even shallow-water permits, supposedly unaffected by the moratorium, are down 11%.Hmmmmm.......If you wanted to destroy America would you do anything different?Read the full story here.

  • Eyes on the mosque.Bay People pester city, inspectors halt construction.The city halted construction of the controversial Sheeps- head Bay mosque and cultural center on Tuesday thanks to the constant needling of the project’s main opponent.Members of he anti-mosque group Bay People — which was created to stop the construction of the house of worship on Voorhies Avenue between E. 28th and E. 29th streets — have been protesting outside the site for the last few days and have repeatedly sent complaints to the city’s Department of Buildings stating that the work at the site was being done illegally. Responding to the complaints, inspectors came to the site on Feb. 1 and found a crew inside an elevator pit that was rendered off limits by a Jan. 3 decree, because it was deemed too close to the adjoining property. “The Department found excavation work being performed that violated an existing stop-work order,” said city Department of Buildings spokeswoman Jennifer Gilbert. “As a result, the Department immediately stopped the work and is in the process of issuing violations for non-compliant conditions.”Some neighbors said the construction crew working on the mosque had been flaunting the rules since the first shovel went into the ground.“[The construction workers] play games,” explained Valary Bounitch. “They work here all day, but stop right before the inspectors come.”The city’s Department of Buildings website notes that “fines are due” for violating the partial stop-work order, but did not indicate just how much mosque builder Allowey Ahmed will have to fork over. A call to Ahmed for comment was not returned.The deluge of complaints — 24 in total, 11 of which have been filed this year — prompted a nasty back and forth between Bay People spokesman Alex Tenenbaum and the city’s Department of Buildings community liaison Kenneth Lazar, in which Tenenbaum accused the city of not investigating the group’s complaints.“Your accusation that the Department of Buildings is ignoring your complaints is erroneous,” Lazar fired back. “Inspectors have been to the location numerous times over the past few weeks. Most of the detailed complaints generated have been found without merit.”Read the full story here.

  • President Obama Signs START Treaty, Doesn't Allow Reporters in the Room.President Obama signed the START nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia this morning.Despite the great attention the president has devoted to this treaty -- and the vast coverage of the treaty negotiations by the media -- the White House refused to allow reporters or TV cameras in the room. Still photographers were the only representatives of the free press permitted to record the historic moment.Those cameras captured President Obama signing the documents, seated at the Resolute DeskResolute Desk. Behind him stood Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass., Dick Lugar, R-Ind., Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Thad Cochran, R-Miss., and Vice President Biden.The White House Correspondents Association protested the White House’s decision to refuse to permit reporters access to the event, in addition to the dearth of press briefings since the crisis in Egypt began to unfold, a crisis in which President Obama continues to celebrate the great freedoms and openness enjoyed in this country.Hmmmm......The "emperor" doesn't allow the masses to approach him?Read the full story here.

  • Yes, Islamists Are Coming Through Mexico!Said Jaziri was seen getting in the trunk of a smuggler's car by bystanders, captured only by luck and their patriotism.When chaos reigns supreme in a nation that shares an almost two-thousand mile border with the United States, and that border is not protected to the extent it should be, undesirable elements sneaking their way from Mexico into the U.S. becomes the rule instead of the exception. We have all been made aware of the drug shipments that come into the U.S. through the porous and undermanned Mexican border, and we all know of the steady stream of Mexicans that for decades have snuck through looking for a better life in the U.S. for themselves and their families back in Mexico. However, it is next to impossible to tell who else comes across the U.S./Mexico border until they are apprehended, or worse.On January 11, U.S. Border Patrol agents pulled over a BMW near the Golden Acorn Casino, 50 miles east of San Diego, California. The vehicle was driven by Kenneth R. Lawler. Border Patrol agents found Lawler had tucked away in the trunk of his car a souvenir of sorts from Mexico: a radical Muslim cleric by the name of Said Jaziri.Lawler was arrested and is being held on charges of alien smuggling, while Jaziri is being held for illegally entering the country as well as being a material witness to the crime.Hmmmm.....Slipping trough the Mexican border!NOT CANADIAN BORDER!Read the full story here.

  • Muslim imam, given award by Princess Anne, facing jail for raping boy, 12, at mosque.A Muslim cleric, once decorated by Buckingham Palace, is facing jail after being convicted of 'preying on' and 'abusing' two boys at his mosque.Mohammed Hanif Khan, 42, one of Britain's most influential imams, became the first ever full-time Islamic minister in the history of the British prison service in 2001.Highly respected, in 2004 he visited the Palace to receive a Butlers' Trust Award from Princess Anne for his work in diversity. Under his grand title of Sheik Mohammed Hanif Haqqani Kareemi he led prayers and gave Islamic education to boys.But a two-week long trial at Nottingham Crown Court heard Hanif Khan used his position of power at the mosque in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, to terrify, intimidate and abuse the two young boys in 2009 - then aged 12 and 15.After three days of deliberation a jury found him guilty of two counts of rape and one count of sexual activity with a child. He was remanded in custody for sentencing at a later date.Hanif Khan told detectives there was absolutely no truth in the allegations and that he had acted properly 'both inside and outside the mosque'.Prosecutor Tariq Shakor Khan added: 'He said that as part of his pastoral duties he had sought to correct the boys' behaviour in areas where they had gone wrong.'As soon the allegations were known in the community there was an immediate revenge attack on Hanif Khan - as three men held him down and shaved off his beard to humiliate him.Last October North Staffordshire Magistrates' Court heard that Mohammed Jameel, 31, Mohammed Nadeem, 28, and Mohammed Safir, 32, held him down as he was shaved with electric clippers.Jameel and Mohammed Safir were sentenced to a total of 26 weeks in prison while Nadeem escaped jail, after the court heard he reluctantly took part in the attack.'Khan was in a position of trust and exploited the access he was afforded as their teacher to abuse the boys.'Khan protested his innocence throughout the court proceedings; however the jury disbelieved this and accepted the prosecution case.Hmmmm......Read the full story here.

  • Canada - Superior Court rules Ontario Human Rights Tribunal hearing was unfair.A Mississauga businesswoman whose home was ordered seized to pay an Ontario Human Rights Tribunal award to a former employee can keep her house — for now.The Superior Court struck down the “fatally flawed” decision as so unfair to defendant Maxcine Telfer — who represented herself in the hearing — that it was “simply not possible to logically follow the pathway taken by the adjudicator.” That October 2009 decision ordered Telfer to pay $36,000 to a woman who had been her employee for six weeks. Lawyers wanted the sheriff to seize and sell Telfer’s home to collect the money.The woman who lodged the complaint, Seema Saadi, told the tribunal she felt pressured to wear skirts and heels instead of her hijab. Saadi also said Telfer complained about the smell of food that she warmed in the microwave. The three-judge Superior Court panel ordered the tribunal to hold a new hearing before a different adjudicator, expected to be held in the next six months.It also dismissed Telfer’s $36,000 penalty, which ended a plan by the complainant’s lawyers to get the money by ordering the sheriff to sell her house.“I feel vindicated,” said Telfer, who owns Audmax Inc., a company that gets federal government money to provide job training to immigrant women.The Superior Court ruling is a powerful reminder to Ontario’s new human rights legal system — created in June 2008 — that fairness is paramount. It is the first time a tribunal decision has been sent back for a new hearing.Lawyer Charney said he got involved after Telfer panicked over the prospect of losing her home.“The only reason they backed off,” Charney said, “is because we got this judicial review and we convinced them to wait until the hearing was over before they tried to seize their house and sell it with the sheriff.“This was for an employee who had been with the company less than six weeks.”The Superior Court found nine points in which the tribunal adjudicator failed to provide a fair hearing or made legal errors.The court also ordered Saadi to pay Telfer $10,000 in legal costs.The legal support centre has said it will pay that bill, and represent Saadi at the new hearing.Hmmmmm......PC or utter madness at times?Read the full story here.

  • Muslim leaders visit Auschwitz.Imams, clerics from dozens of countries speak out against Holocaust denial, racism in Mideast.AUSCHWITZ – Muslims, Jews, and Christians marched towards Auschwitz death camp this week, among the ice-capped trails in the freezing Polish winter.Wool caps, turbans, and rabbis' top hats could be seen huddled together in the cold for a moment of silence near the ruins of the crematoriums. "I feel true pain," said British Imam Abdul-Jalil Saeed as he walked through the shacks of Birkenau."I believe the Muslims must stand by their Jewish friends, because anti-Semitism in Europe is on the rise and where there is anti-Semitism Islamophobia is not far behind. It is a matter of educating our future generations," he said."Much has been said so far but if we want true change we must act." When he returns to Britain, Saeed said, he plans to organize a seminar and write pamphlets about his experience at the death camp – anything to get the message across. When asked whether he believed worshippers at his mosque were prepared to hear such messages he answered, "People understand. I can't say everyone – there will always be bad and incendiary people – but we must ignore them or, if they do something illegal, lock them up."We must focus on the silent majority so that it will march forward and say: Never again.""There are many trips to Auschwitz, but what makes this trip special is that it has brought here for the first time 200 people from five continents and 40 countries, among them many Muslims – intellectuals, clerics, politicians, imams, and mayors. It is important that you pass this on," she said. "We don't bring people here to make them cry. This is not the aim of Project Aladdin," Revcolevschi added. "This is an educational project for the long term."The delegation, comprised of 150 people, included citizens of Morocco, Jordan, Turkey, and Iraq, as well as rabbis and priests, who flew from Paris to Krakow and from there traveled to Birkenau by bus. Some canceled their participation due to the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, but Muslim presence was still tangible.Before exiting through Auschwitz's haunting gate, we gathered to light candles in memory of the victims. Rabbi Lau thanked the Muslim delegates, and reminded everyone present that the lessons of the Holocaust have not yet been learned if massacres like that which occurred in Kosovo were still being carried out."You are all now witnesses," he said.Grand Mufti of Bosnia Mustafa Ceric agreed. "I wanted to see it with my own eyes. What you hear and what you see are not the same thing," he said."I never cared about Auschwitz and never knew about it until it happened to my people, and I am here to tell you and the whole world not to wait for the next genocide. You have the ability to prevent it. If we had prevented the Holocaust in Auschwitz, we could have prevented the Srebrenica massacre."Hmmmmm........"Never Again"?Erdogan ...."Muslims don't commit genocide".Read the full story here.

  • Israel - Church unearthed may hold Zechariah tomb.Israeli archaeologists unveiled on Wednesday the remnants of a newly discovered Byzantine-era church they suspect is concealing the tomb of the biblical prophet Zechariah.The church, with intricate and well-preserved mosaic floors, was discovered on the slopes of the Judaean hills at Horbat Midras, the site of a Jewish community in Roman times, southwest of Jerusalem.Underneath is a second layer of mosaics dating from the Roman period, with a cave complex still further below which archaeologists think could be Zechariah's tomb."Researchers believe that in light of an analysis of the Christian sources ... the church at Horbet Madras is a memorial church designed to mark the tomb of the prophet Zechariah," the Israel Antiquities Authority said.A statement noted, however, that more work is needed to confirm the hypothesis.A Jewish prophet of the late sixth century before Christ, Zechariah is associated with the book of the Old Testament that refers to four horsemen and other visions prefiguring the coming of God in judgement.The church at Horbat Midras was discovered after a gang of tomb raiders was found to be in possession of the church lintel -- part of the door structure -- which they said came from an underground location."Following the discovery, an excavation was carried out with the aim of revealing the secrets of the monumental building which the lintel belonged to," added the statement."There is no doubt the discovery is extraordinary and of great importance in terms of research, religion and tourism," it said.Hmmmm.....Couldn't have come at a better moment?Read the full story here.

  • HT:ZeroHedge.GM Parks 510,000 Cars With Dealers, 31% Higher Than Year Earlier.One more month, one more chance for GM to stuff its dealers with cars. Sure enough, in the just release January sales PR, the company announced that "General Motors dealers in the United States reported 178,896 total sales in January, a 23-percent increase from a year ago for the company’s four brands. The gain was driven by solid retail sales which were 36 percent higher than a strong January a year ago." And behind the scenes, GM has continued to shove a whopping 510,000 cars with dealers: In January 2011, the firm had 510k cars at its dealers, compared to just 390,000 in January 2010, a 30% increase. Furthermore, as the only component of consumer credit that is surging, non-revolving loans, indicates that virtually all car purchases are made based on the old formula of "no money down." And with the government backstopping both the car maker and the lender banks, we would be very interested in discovering just how bad the delinquency rate in non-revolving car debt is over the past year, especially as it relates to GM.Hmmmm.....Sales up 23% -Stocks up 30%?Read the full story here.

  • HT:BlacklistedNews.Pay-as-you go meters will see internet users charged PER GIGABYTE in Canada.Canada set to introduce new billing system next month.We have become accustomed to receiving unlimited access to the internet for a set monthly payment.But all that is to change in Canada next month when people will have to pay for what they use with a new metering system.The go-ahead for pay-as-you-go came last September when Canada's Radio-Telecommunications Commission ruled Bell Canada could implement the new system.Bell, the country's largest telecommunications company, has now decided to take advantage of the decision which means that instead of a flat fee, subscribers will pay for content per gigabyte. Furthermore, there will be a limit to how much data can be downloaded.Controversial: Canadian Internet subscribers are to be charged by the gigabyte for content, meaning prices will rise while data download limits are reduced.The system will mean higher bills for both Bell subscribers and those using other internet service providers.This is because although the ISPs provide the 'last mile of access' for customers they too will have to shoulder a higher burden by linking to the Bell network.Internet service providers have been publishing their new data plans, and the revised charges have met with a barrage of criticism.'Like our customers, and Canadian internet users everywhere, we are not happy with this new development,' wrote the Ontario-based independent service provider TekSavvy in an e-mail message to its subscribers.Bell Canada, the country's largest telecommunications company, is to begin usage-based billing for Internet access.The uproar has prompted the Canadian government to join the debate, according to science website, with Industry Minister Tony Clement saying he will review a federal telecommunications regulator’s decision to effectively kill off plans offering unlimited internet access.The decision triggered widespread outrage from a variety of consumer and citizens’ groups, with small business owners warning it will thwart their ability to use online services such as video and teleconferencing.Mr Clement said in an interview: 'I am hearing from a lot of people who feel this will damage our economy. They are worried this will stifle innovation.'Hmmmmm......Profits Bell canada 2010....Revenue C$4.52 bln vs average forecast C$4.43 bln.Read the full story here.

  • HT:TundraTabloids.Finnish state broadcaster YLE : The Great Mufti and the Nazis!It’s about time, finally something of value for our 270 Euros we shell out each year to the Finnish state for the privilege of watching TV. A documentary that shows the working relationship between the Arabs and the German National Socialist during WWII.Read and see the full story here.

  • Boy Bagged For Taking Eco-Unfriendly Ziploc to School!Father Rages About Teaching 'Propaganda;' Earth Day Educators Say Teacher Was Wrong.Isabel Theoret was preparing a sandwich for her 6-year-old son's Kindergarten class one day last week, when he screamed out, "No Mommy! Not a Ziploc!"The child, who lives with his family in the town of Laval in Quebec, explained that his teacher would exclude him from a contest to win a stuffed teddy bear if he brought an environmentally unfriendly plastic baggie to school. "Felix explained with lots of emotion and tears in his eyes that there was a simple condition to entering the drawing: Don't use a Ziploc bag in their lunch," his father, Marc-Andre Lanciault wrote on his French-language blog, "Notre Vie" [Our Life]. "Felix reacted as if someone had slaughtered a pig for his ham sandwich," said his father, who is CEO and founder of the technology company INBOX International. When the father questioned Felix's teacher, she responded, "You know, Mr. Lanciault, it's not very good for the environment," according to a report in Canada's National Post. "We have to take care of our planet and the bags do not decompose well." The baggie blow-up rippled across blogs in both Canada and the United States, as critics wondered why environmental education had to be so dogmatic, especially among the youngest students. On his blog, Lanciault accused the school of "propaganda" and wondered if the next move would be to discipline school children who wore clothes made in China.He acknowledged children need to learn not to waste natural resources and said his wife usually puts sandwiches in Tupperware, but those containers were in the dishwasher.Lanciault said his son had only learned to fear plastic bags.When contacted Lanciault through Facebook, he said the family would not comment further because the story had "grown to unexpected proportions."But some sided with the teacher. "I am fully in agreement with the school," wrote Johannie. "They must learn that if we do not take care of the environment, it will not be there for much longer. How [long] does it take to wash three Tupperware [containers]?"Hmmmm.....Read the full story here.

  • HT:EWeek.Security: Stuxnet: Hunting for the Malware's Origins.The Stuxnet worm’s origins have been a hot-button topic since it was first detected last summer, and it continues to be gnashed over, as evidenced by events in the past two weeks. There are reports this week that Russia’s envoy to NATO has called for organization members to join Moscow in investigating who launched Stuxnet. Before that, there was a Jan. 15 article in The New York Times in which unnamed sources said Israel’s Dimona complex in the Negev desert was a testing ground for the worm. Earlier this month, there were discussions at Black Hat DC about the worm’s code, which Securicon security consultant Tom Parker noted during a presentation contained basic errors despite having elements of sophistication. Peeling back the layers of Stuxnet has been a long and winding road, an effort that is sure to continue. It’s not hard to understand why the worm has captured so many people’s attention. The prospect of malware being able to disrupt a nuclear facility set off the bells of cyber-security experts, politicians and the public alike. It was cited by U.S. lawmakers as a justification for legislation, and by others for better industry regulations. With questions still open, Stuxnet remains a mystery. Here, eWEEK takes a look at some of the recent revelations about the worm and its impact on cyber-security.Hmmmm.....Not only it slowed down Iran ,it also scared the Superpowers!That's why they want to know "Who done it"?Read the full story here.

  • And now for something completely different.Some fins up! 100,000 sharks mass off Florida's beaches.This is quite a shark tale.Pilot Steve Irwin was astonished after spotting a mass of more than 100,000 sharks swimming just 100 yards off Florida's sandy beaches.The long-time fisherman and marine technology expert was cruising 300ft above the clear waters in his helicopter on Sunday when he came across the astonishing scene.The sharks - believed to be Spinners, between 3ft and 7ft long - were heading north and swimming parallel to the east coast's idyllic white beaches between Fort Lauderdale and exclusive Jupiter Island.'I've been a fisherman for 20 years and I also kayak out there and it's common to see them twist and turn and shoot through the air.'They're prevalent at this time of year but what amazed me was the sheer numbers of them.'There were tens of thousands of them - I'd say maybe 100,000.'I kept on flying for about 20 miles and they just kept on coming.'It's common to see large predatory sharks come in and feed on schools of bait-fish - the odd thing was I didn't see any bait-fish at all!'Hmmmm....Anyone has a theory to share?Read the full story here.

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