Monday, July 4, 2011

MFS - The Other News

The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more. John Adams.

  • Updated !Earthquakes in the last 24 hours in the world seismic activity today.More info here.

  • Japan - Latest official Situation Update No. 138.Source : Here .

  • Japan : For the most accurate info on the nuclear disaster go to : Paul Langley's Nuclear History Blog.Here.

  • President of American-Iranian Council: US Obama administration Offered Iran a Non-Aggression Pact! (Memri).Iranian-American businessman Hooshang Amirahmadi, president of the American-Iranian Council, who, according to his claim, negotiated with Iran on behalf of the US, told the website Asr-e Iran that the US wants to sign a non-aggression pact with Iran in the Persian Gulf. He said that this American proposal was presented at a meeting attended by USCENTCOM Commander General James N. Mattis.Hmmmm......"I will stand with my Muslim Brothers"?Read the full story here.

  • The Fox News Twitter feed has reportedly been hacked Monday, spitting a series of tweets announcing that President Barack Obama had been assassinated.(Haaretz).The first tweet to announce the news that Obama had been shot dead were sent by @foxnewspolitics at approximately 2am local time to its feed’s 33,000 followers, a blog on the website of the U.K.’s Guardian newspaper reported. The tweets were rapidly shared on the internet, the Guardian News blog said.The rogue tweets appeared after @foxnewspolitics said that Fox News had just "regained full access to our Twitter account," according to the Guardian News blog. The first tweet announced “The president is dead,” and was followed by a second tweet describing the nature of the alleged shooting: "Barack Obama has just passed. The President is dead. A sad 4th of July, indeed. President Barack Obama is dead… Nearly 45 minutes ago, he was shot twice in the lower pelvic area and in the neck; shooter unknown. Bled out." These were followed by more tweets confirming the supposed shooting at an Iowa restaurant, and congratulating Joe Biden on his new role as President of the United States: “We wish @joebiden the best of luck as our new President of the United States. In such a time of madness, there's light at the end of tunnel."Hmmmmm........"The King is dead, Long live the King"?Lol.Read the full story here.

  • BLOCKBUSTER REVELATION! – MINI Documentary – Illegal Obama “Propped Up” By Congress!(Ghostfighters).There were eight attempts by members of Congress during the years Barack Obama was developing a power base and running for president to remove the Constitution’s requirement that a president be a “natural-born citizen,” suggesting an organized strategy, according to a new video.The video documentary was produced by Carl Gallups, the senior pastor at Hickory Hammock Baptist Church for more than 24 years with a long history of community and law enforcement involvement.Gallups was a Florida law enforcement officer for 10 years, a youth minister before that and is a national and international youth evangelist with outreaches across the United States and in Canada since 1989. He’s also on the board of regents at the University of Mobile and hosts several weekly radio programs in the northwest Florida region.Documentation for his video comes from a variety of congressional records showing that beginning June 11, 2003, and continuing through the most recent effort, Feb. 28, 2008, there were eight proposals targeting that constitutional requirement.Hmmmmm........Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.John Adams.Read and see the full story here.

  • ‘Waiting for Superman’ Review: Everyone ,including the Obama administration Needs to See This Movie.(Biggovernment).The movie exposes how America’s public education system is about keeping the teachers unions fat and happy at the expense of our kids. The devastating affect on the lives of “real people”, students and their parents is infuriating.Despite what libs would have you believe, we spend a ton of money, per child, on education. And yet, public school test scores continue to plummet. Your money is not going to teachers, it is going to bureaucrats and union dues. The democrat party receives 90% of teachers unions political contributions.In the movie, committed good teachers and administrators attempted to implement common sense changes to better educate students. They were politically beaten down and kicked to the curb by the teachers unions. How dare these teachers and administrators buck the system!The movie exposes, “The Lemon Dance” a term used by education insiders. Every public school has bad (lemon) teachers. The teachers unions make it almost impossible to fire them. A frustrated principal, once a year, can send his lemon to another school. Hopefully, the new lemon another frustrated principal dumps on him will be a little better than what he had. Thus, The Lemon Dance.Folks, as I said, the movie made me angry, but not with an anger which causes me to behave badly. I have a healthy righteous anger which inspires me to do something to encourage positive change. I could not wait to tell you about this extremely important and moving film.For decades, liberals have been selling the myth that urban minority kids surrounded by drugs, poverty, gangs and crime simply can not learn. The typical liberal so-called compassionate solution was to lobby to lower standards and not expect much out of them.Any conservative who suggests giving minorities the respect and dignity of holding them to the same academic standards as whites is branded an insensitive racist.“Waiting For Superman” knocks the liberal myth into the stratosphere that urban low income minority students are doomed to failure. The film documents that given the proper expectation, attention, discipline and good TEACHERS, low income inner city minority students test higher than ALL students; including white kids in wealthy neighborhoods.
Another thing I find truly annoying is we black conservatives are called Uncle Tom “traitors to our race”. But, black conservatives are the ones working with the tea party to end the liberal teachers unions tyrannical grip which has wreaked havoc on the lives and education of all American students, particularly minorities.
The national black student high school dropout rate is around 70%. In many New York City minority communities only 17% of blacks graduate public high school. This is horrifically scandalous.Meanwhile, the liberal media, NAACP, Jessie Jackson and company are united in their mission to protect teachers unions. Why? The teachers unions are great financial contributors to the democrats and are in complete solidarity with the left’s socialist/progressive agenda.Sometimes God gives us great gifts in ugly packages. I was devastated when Obama won the presidency. I knew he was wrong for AmericaToday, I thank God for our most far left radical president in American history. Patriots have been passively submitting to political correctness and tolerating failed liberal policies for year.Upon entering the Oval Office, Obama immediately began fulfilling his vow to “fundamentally transform America.” This was the liberal straw that broke the camel’s back. Rather than throwing their televisions out of the window yelling, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore,” Americans began having tea parties. Thus, Obama birthed the Tea Party.TEA For Education is a perfect example of which I speak. Unopposed for far too many years, the left has been indoctrinating our kids focusing on “Heather Has Two Mommies” and “going green” while almost ignoring the teaching of reading, math and science.Also seen in the movie, I was shocked to learn how far down the list U.S. students are testing in reading, math and science compared to the rest of the world. Truly disheartening.And yet, our kids are well educated about how America and white males in particular, are the greatest source of evil in the world. This is unacceptable and infuriating.So, I thank God and Obama for TEA For Education. They have chapters in 11 states and are spreading. TEA For Education is doing the Lords work, fighting on behalf of our children.I would like to give a special “shout out” to TEA For Education Florida rep, Rhonda Lochiatto and national rep, Beverly Elliott for inviting me to the viewing. Patriots across America truly appreciate your efforts. God bless you both for your compassion and commitment to our kids.Data from the Department of Education and the State Department confirm this trend:
■Boys receive 70% of D and F grades
■Boys account for 80% of high school dropouts
■Boys cause 80% of classroom behavioral problems
■Boys represent up to 70% of children diagnosed with learning disabilities
■Boys represent 80% of children diagnosed with behavioral problems
■Boys lag behind girls in reading and writing skills on average by a year to a year and a half
■Boys represent up to 80% of children on Ritalin and other medicine used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
■Boys represent less than 44% of America's college students
Patriots, please see this movie. It will make you cry. It will make you angry. Good!Hmmmmm........"Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them."Martin Luther King, Jr.Read the full story here.

  • Obama’s Declaration of Dependence.The self-reliant citizenry is history.(NationalReview).By Mark steyn.Dozens of countries have “Independence Days.” November 25th, for example: Independence Day in Suriname. In that instance as in most others, the designation signifies nothing more than transfer of de jure sovereignty and de facto operational control from a distant European capital to a more local regime. 1975 in Suriname’s case. They had the first military coup seven years later.But in America “Independence” seemed as much a statement about the character of a people as a designation of jurisdictional status. The first Americans were British subjects who had outgrown a British king as benign and enlightened as any ruler on the planet. They demanded “independence” not from foreign rulers of another ethnicity but from their own compatriots with whom they had a disagreement about the nature of government. Long before the Revolutionary War, small New England townships  governed themselves to a degree no old England towns did. “Independence” is not about the replacement of a king in London with a president in Washington but about the republican virtues of a self-reliant citizenry free to exploit its own potential.Please, no snickering. The self-reliant citizen? In the damning formulation of contemporary American vernacular, he’s history — as in over and done with, fuhgeddabouttim. What’s left of that founding vision on this less than Glorious Fourth of July 2011 in the Brokest Nation in History? “You go talk to your constituents,” President Obama taunted Republicans on Wednesday, “and ask them, are they willing to compromise their kids’ safety so that some corporate-jet owner continues to get a tax break?”In the Republic of Brokistan, that’s the choice, is it? Give me safe kids or give me corporate jets! No corporate aviation without safe kiddification! In his bizarre press conference on Wednesday, Obama made no fewer than six references to corporate-jet owners. Just for the record, the tax break for corporate jets was part of the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009” — i.e., the stimulus. The Obama stimulus. The Obama-Pelosi-Reid stimulus. The Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Democratic-party stimulus that every single Republican House member and all but three Republican senators voted against. The Obama–Corporate Jet stimulus that some guy called Obama ostentatiously signed into law in Denver after jetting in to host an “economic forum.”Charles Krauthammer did the math. If you eliminate the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Corporate Jet Tax Break, you would save so much dough that, after 5,000 years, you would have clawed back enough money to cover one year of Obama’s debt. Five thousand years is the year 7011. Boy, our kids’ll really be safe by then. I see some leftie at MSNBC has just been suspended for characterizing the president’s performance on Wednesday as that of a demotic synonym for the male reproductive organ. So I shall be more circumspect and say only that even being a hollow unprincipled demagogue requires a certain lightness of touch Obama can’t seem to find.Speaking of corporate jets, did the president fly commercial to Denver? Oh, but that’s different! He’s in “public service.” A couple of weeks before he flew Air Force One to Denver, he flew Air Force One to Williamsburg, Va. From the White House (well, via Andrews Air Force Base). That’s 150 miles, a 30-minute flight. He took a 747, a wide-bodied jet designed to carry 500 people to the other side of the planet, for a puddle-jump across the Potomac.Hmmmmm........Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases. John Adams.Read the full story here.

  • TSA: A Portrait in Islamization.(AmericanThinker).By Rabbi Aryeh Spero.On June 18th in an airport in Florida, Transportation Security Administration agents required a 95-year-old woman with leukemia to remove her adult diaper if she wanted to pass their inspection and travel. The TSA says they would have been satisfied with merely feeling around the garment, but it was wet. Whatever version, this constitutes yet another debasing treatment of an absolutely non-threatening American citizen for the purpose of protecting Muslim honor. So as to be sensitive and not profile young Islamic men -- the demographic group most likely to be terrorists -- our policy is ending up dishonoring and humiliating American citizens, be they grammas or little girls, who in no way pose a threat.This is not simply foolish, but evidence that our governmental agencies are already engaged in Islamization, for Islamization has taken root when a society abandons its decades of prevailing standards of dignity and common sense so as to accommodate Islam. In this case, American policy has set aside our historic respect for individual personhood as well as law enforcement's tried and tested method of profiling the most likely to commit a particular crime. Groping little girls, afflicting old women, and invasively searching middle-aged people with no indication of being a threat is not the American way and would not, in other circumstances, be tolerated by any civil rights organization except here due to our preoccupation of not offending Muslims.When a society asks its citizens to accept their own debasement and forgo their right to modesty and propriety -- and all that constitutes first-class citizenship -- so as to accommodate Muslim demands, those citizens have now taken a backseat; they have become second-class. Second-class citizenship for non-Muslims so as not to offend Muslims is called dhimmitude, a core Islamic belief, the a priori subtext of the Islamization process. In effect, it elevates the Muslim over the non-Muslim and holds in higher regard how he is to be treated relative to how the Christian or Jew is to be treated. This is the ideal practiced throughout the Islamic world.There are those that call this accommodation, but in reality it is Islamization for it, step-by-step, leads to an acceptance by society and ultimately society's new standard. The imams and Islamic organizations are well aware of Western society's desire to be accommodating and have seized upon it as a way to begin the process that goes from accommodation to a society submissive to its own dhimmi status, in its very own land.This has happened in Great Britain where schools with a mixed student body will, out of deference to the Muslim students, no longer serve pork in the cafeteria. Jewish students never made such demands. Instead of live and let live -- the historic operating template of the West -- Britons are asked to forfeit their preferences and identity under the Islamic rubric of "It's our way, not your way." Similarly, British neighborhoods with sizeable, but not majority, Islamic populations are forgoing their centuries-old Christmas street displays so as not to offend Muslims. It is, effectually, the beginning of a society submitting to shariah, first by omission and eventually in actual commission.Government bureaucrats call it sensitivity, but it is, of course, the ever-moving train of Islamization. Islam makes demands of a society that no other minority has ever made precisely because, unlike other groups, its goal is to reconfigure the society. Even today, many in the West think Islamic demands are simply of the age-old civil rights variety, as was the case with other minorities, when it is really about Islamization, the imposition of Islam over the prevailing culture and over its citizens.This degradation of the American citizenry is not enough for many in the Islamic organizations, who all too often yell discrimination and "Islamaphobia" when a Muslim, like all other Americans, is subjected to TSA inspection. They cry the cry of civil rights, but the undertone bespeaks a feeling of Islamic entitlement, that Muslims are above the rest and should be spared the intrusions others must bear. It's a manifestation of the dhimmi notion found in the fifty-seven Islamic countries that shape the attitude of those, even here, who see them as model societies.In the name of civil rights, many imams have warned our authorities not to subject Islamic women to what our own mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters routinely undergo in our policy of not implementing the commonsense profiling offensive to Muslims. But given that the civil rights of women is not at the forefront of Islamic theology, it seems that the real intent behind these warnings is not a concern for women's dignity but yet another opportunity to assert Islamic supremacy and hierarchy above the rest of us, the dhimmis.Hmmmmmm.........Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. John Adams. Read the full story here.

  • caught red handed hiding references to Minor v. Happersett in published US supreme. (Ghostfighters)Somebody, back in 2008, just prior to the election, ordered these revisions and saw to their execution This is direct tampering with United States law. And it is evidence that Minor v. Happersett was known to be a huge stumbling block to POTUS eligibility.The US Supreme Court Center at is the leading resource on the internet which publishes United States Supreme Court decisions. They have been caught red handed in an Orwellian attempt to revise US Supreme Court cases which mention Minor v. Happersett as precedent on the issue of citizenship, as opposed to the other issue decided in Minor, voting rights. I have documented two incredible examples where has been caught in the act of taking a hatchet job to US Supreme Court decisions by removing, not just the case name, “Minor v. Happersett”, but whole passages related to Chief Justice Waite’s statements on the citizenship issue which were cited favorably in BOYD V. NEBRASKA EX REL. THAYER,143 U. S. 135 (1892), and POPE V. WILLIAMS, 193 U. S. 621 (1904).Last evening, I had come across a similar situation in the Pope case. I was curious, but it wasn’t until I saw the same pattern in the Boyd case that it became clear was altering these cases to remove references to Minor v. Happersett when Minor was recognized on the issue of citizenship. But where Minor is cited on the issue of voting rights, no hatchet was taken to the references in later US Supreme Court cases.For posterity, due to the incredibly important nature of this information, I have decided to keep the investigative report exactly where I first published it, in the comments section of my previous report.According to binding US Supreme Court precedent, Obama is not eligible to be President. And we are obviously very late coming to this legal truth. Somebody at tried to control and alter our awareness by hiding important Supreme Court references to Minor dating back to 2008. This is smoking gun proof of tampering.Hmmmm........There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty. John Adams.Read the full story here.

  • "The Audacity of Hate" Obama’s Radical buddy Rashid Khalidi Releases Pro-Hamas Video Urging Obama’s Support of Gaza Flotilla II.(GatewayPundit).In 2008 The LA Times withheld a video that contained footage of Barack Obama celebrating with a group of Palestinians who were openly hostile towards Israel. Barack Obama reportedly even gave a toast to a former PLO operative, Rashid Khalidi, at this celebration. This was something the LA Times hid from the American public before the election. The media refused to release the video.There were also reports that terrorists Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn were at the same Jew-bash. Khalidi was thought to be connected to the PLO.Last year the anti-Israel radical raised cash for a ship named “The Audacity of Hope” to smash through the Gaza Blockade. Well they finally raised enough cash and the American ship is ready to join this year’s Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla 2. Yesterday, Rashid Khalidi, Noam Chomsky, Ali Abunimah and others release a video urging the Obama Administration to free Gaza and allow bombs to be imported by the Hamas terror group.Rashid Khalidi: This is an inhuman seige of a million and a half people who are cut off from the outside world… The policy of a president who started off by saying that he was going to offer a new beginning as far as dealing with the Palestine issue has been almost indistinguishable from the policy of his predecessors. The noted leftists in his video talk about why “The Audacity of Hope” is one of the most crucial campaigns of our time.Barack Obama has already reached out to the Taliban and Muslim Brotherhood. Now these ignorant leftist clowns want him to pamper Hamas too. They will never be satisfied until Israel is obliterated off the face of the Earth.Hmmmmm.........Power always thinks... that it is doing God's service when it is violating all his laws. John Adams.Read and see the full story here.

  • Happy 4 th of July?Video - Jihad training for Muslimas at terrorist training camp in Hancock, NY.(BNI).Located just 140 miles northwest of New York City, Hancock is the location of a secluded camp where Muslim women are trained on how to kill and slit throats.Hmmmm.......Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. John Adams.Read and see the full story here.

  • Flashback: May 30 th -Fireworks shows need new environmental review!I got News: La Jolla’s Fourth of July show is a go.(Lajollalight).That is, if residents can pledge the remainder of the estimated $28,000 needed to stage it in time.Superior Court Judge Linda Quinn, who recently ordered the city of San Diego to follow state environmental laws when issuing permits for fireworks shows and other special events, today stayed enforcement of her ruling until Aug. 31.Quinn’s stay means the Independence Day show will go on as scheduled this year.“The show must go on, thank you Judge Quinn for giving us a 90-day stay,” said an elated Deborah Marengo, spokeswoman for La Jolla Community Fireworks Foundation, the nonprofit sponsoring the annual Independence Day event.Marengo, who has $21,000 in hand in donations, noted many prospective donors have been holding off waiting for Judge Quinn’s decision.“We need to do more work to make sure Fourth of July happens, donations are even more important now,” she added.Robert Howard, an attorney representing the La Jolla Community Fireworks Foundation, said he was “relieved, thrilled and appreciative” of the court’s ruling noting “it gives the city time to address the judge’s concerns and us (Foundation) time to assess the complications of the new reality (increased environmental fireworks regulations).”The decision by Judge Quinn stems from a lawsuit filed by environmental lawyer Marco Gonzalez against the city and the organizers of the July 4 fireworks display at La Jolla Cove.Environmentalists contend debris from the airborne explosions harms sea life at a nearby marine sanctuary.Gonzalez said he found the stay to be “troubling” because the judge indicated early in a Thursday court hearing that she opposed the idea of holding off enforcement of the ruling, and did not give any reason for her change of heart in the written ruling she issued today.“While we’re of course not happy with the court’s ruling, we understand the immense pressure the city and fireworks organizers have created by delaying these proceedings so long and by dragging in all of the other events that could be possibly impacted by the ruling,” Gonzalez said.“But in the end, what’s most important is that regardless of whether the La Jolla fireworks happen this year, there will be significant changes in the way the city handles these events going forward, and that has been our goal all along,” he said.Organizers of the pyrotechnics displays say that since their costs are nearly too high already, they would not be able to afford the added expense of filing environmental reports.Attorneys for the city argued that Parks and Recreation Department employees issue thousands of permits annually, and cannot take on the additional burden of processing the reports.Quinn’s original decision on May 27 was based on the city’s municipal code, not the environmental issues. In her written ruling issuing the stay, she also ordered the city to return to court on Aug. 31 to update her on options it had to comply.Hmmmmm......Winning a battle ,but loosing the war?Read the full story here.

  • Israel and Palestine: Has The World Gone Crazy Or Is It Just Me?(BigGovernment).In Brussels, last week the UN debated the creation of a new state to a group of crazed Arabs intent on killing Jews and calling it Palestine. These are the same Arabs who celebrated 9/11 by dancing wildly in the street while handing out sweets to the little kiddies.What the heck is this push for a new state for the Palestinians about? Has the world gone totally insane? Is there a shortage of Arab and Muslim states surrounding tiny Israel who are bent on Israel’s destruction? Has the shortage grown so dire that we just need just one more murderous state to fill out the ranks of dysfunctional, hate filled Arab regimes? The Gaza Strip had previously belonged to Egypt and the Golan Heights belonged to Syria. Israel occupied them both following coordinated attacks from 3 Arab nations that comprised the Six Day War wherein Israel kicked their collective booty; yes, in six days.The world never heard of the need for a Palestinian state before the Six Day War. There was no group of Arabs protesting either Syria or Egypt who owned the territory they now want. They weren’t asking those countries to be split off into yet another Palestinian nation. Why is that?First, a reality check: Israel is a nation of a population of 7,400,000 people, 1,400,000 of who are Arabs. The Arab population votes, has seats in their Knesset (parliament) and has thousands of their own mosques to freely worship. The reciprocal is not true. Algeria, for example, had a Jewish population of 150,000 in 1948, it now has less than a 100. The same story is true throughout the Arab world.The Israeli population is also just 1/50th of that of that of its surrounding Arab nations and a mere 1/800th of the land mass.So which bright light came up with the cockamamie idea that they were just one country short to complete the set of dysfunctional Arab regimes? And who said we’ll reserve this new nation for the “Palestinians”, a made up ethnicity? What is a Palestinian? There is no such ethnic, cultural, or religiously distinct population called Palestinians! Never has been. Let’s be clear about this. Yasser Arafat was an engineer from Egypt, about as “Palestinian” as you or I.On March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an astonishing interview with Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. Here’s a startling and revealing confession:
“The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.“Palestine and its people, never were, aren’t one now and shouldn’t have a state later. If the Palestinians want to reclaim their state or if they ever were a unique “people”, then tell us, what is its unique language, culture, religion, currency, what government did it have, what is its history, who were its leaders (before Arafat), what books spoke of these people? The answer is zip, zero and nada. The truth is precisely what PLO member Zahir Muhsein said. The whole thing is an elaborate scam, a sick joke. The butt of which is Israel and the world is both its patsy and a willing accomplice.Hmmmm......The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. John Adams.Read the full story here.

  • Turkey said it might set up a buffer zone inside Syria to manage the flow of refugees on the Syrian side of the international line.(HurriyetDaily).Growing unrest in Syria is increasingly spilling over the border into Turkey. So far 12,000 Syrian refugees have crossed into Turkey, and with a crackdown on the way in Idlib near the border, thousands more could be heading that way.Ankara has expressed outrage at the situation, calling the Syrian regime’s oppression of civilians a “savagery.” It has also said it might set up a buffer zone inside Syria to manage the flow of refugees on the Syrian side of the international line.Wait, could Turkish troops actually enter Syria, without seeking Damascus’ permission first, and set up shop there?You bet. To start with, the Turks are restless, for they are now stuck between a rock and a hard place. The first instinct of the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, government in Ankara in reacting to the unrest in Syria is to avoid conflict and try to maintain good relations with Damascus. Since coming to power in 2002, the AKP has put in place a “zero problems with neighbors” policy, which included promoting rapprochement with Syria, and subsequently becoming one of Damascus’ best friends.However, as the Syrian crisis threatens to spill over into Turkey, the “zero problems” policy may not be sustainable. If unrest moves into Aleppo, a Syrian city with 3 million inhabitants located only 26 miles from the Turkish border, there could be a massive wave of refugees into Turkey. And do not forget the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK. This group, which has launched destructive terrorist attacks in Turkey, is well organized in the ethnically Kurdish areas of northern Syria along the Turkish border, including Azez. The Syrian membership of the PKK also represents the group’s hard-line, violence-is-the-best-policy branch. A flow of Syrian refugees into Turkey would mean at least a few undetected hard-line PKK members slipping across the border, which is something that Ankara does not want. Ankara’s first reaction to the spiraling violence in Syria will be to contain the crisis in Syria. This would also help Turkey maintain the growing soft power it has painstakingly built in the Arab world since the AKP rose to power in 2002. So, expect Turkey to avoid direct military intervention to the extent possible. Instead, expect Ankara be serious about its proposal to set up a buffer zone inside Syria, in which the Turkish government and military would provide the Syrian citizens with security and relief.Tthe AKP might find Turkish public sympathies for the persecuted fellow Muslims next door too unbearable to ignore. Genocidal massacres in Syria, coupled with the breakdown of law and order, would make Turkish intervention almost unavoidable. So, a Turkish buffer zone inside Syria might well be Turkey’s best option to avoid a direct military intervention for humanitarian reasons, but only so long as Assad does not turn genocidal on his own people.Hmmmmm........Read the full story here.

  • Jordanian Official: America's Withdrawal from Afghanistan Will Turn It into One Big Terrorist Camp.(Memri).In response to U.S. President Barack Obama's announcement that U.S. troops with be withdrawn from Afghanistan by the end of 2014, Jordanian Broadcasting Authority director Saleh Al-Qallab wrote that the withdrawal will bring destruction upon Afghanistan, for it will leave the country at the mercy of the terrorists and in a state of increasing chaos."If the withdrawal of the American forces from Afghanistan indeed comes to pass, as Barack Obama has announced, this will lead to the same results as the U.S. withdrawal from this [country in the early 1990s]... "Following that withdrawal, Afghanistan was abandoned to its fate and to the mujahideen, who quarreled over the booty until the Taliban quickly showed up. With the help of a foreign intelligence [apparatus, i.e. the Pakistani intelligence]... [the Taliban] established an administration so backward that even the Middle Ages never saw its like. [It also] fostered Al-Qaeda, under the command of Osama bin Laden, which spread terror across the globe and made a special target of certain Western countries... "But if the American forces indeed withdraw... when [Afghanistan] is still in this tragic state, with the Taliban able to reach any target it wants and Al-Qaeda still in existence and able to hit any target it wants, whether in [Afghanistan] or elsewhere – the situation is bound to return to what it was [before the Americans came]. And in this situation, we will surely see a recurrence of the tragedies that occurred following [America's] first withdrawal in the early 1990s, only in a more catastrophic form."The Americans have research institutes and professional intelligence services that are [highly] capable. [The U.S.] is a state with institutions, where no administration can overturn what the previous administration has done. Therefore, they must not withdraw from a country when it is they themselves who have brought upon it all the problems it is facing. [They must withdraw] only after guaranteeing its stability, and after a strong regime is established there that can protect [the country] from all those who wish to harm it. "Withdrawing at the present time will be a grave crime, for the situation in [Afghanistan] has not yet stabilized. [President] Hamid Karzai is up to his ears in corruption, and cannot even protect his own palace, which is a permanent target for Al-Qaeda and the Taliban."Osama bin Laden himself was not [the source] of all the threats facing the U.S. and other countries. This is evident from the fact that his killing has not rid Afghanistan of the Taliban, and has not rid the world of Al-Qaeda. The inspired leader is gone, yet the global terror network remains. This means that any withdrawal of the U.S. troops from Afghanistan, whether gradual or abrupt, will lead to an increase in violence and will make [the situation in] Afghanistan worse than it was in the early 1990s, turning the country into one big terrorist camp [full of] constantly ticking bombs. "The strange thing is that the security situation in Iraq is 10 times better than the situation in Afghanistan, yet the Americans exerted real and significant pressure on [various] elements in the Iraqi arena so that they would ask Washington to leave its invading forces in Iraq under the pretext of fearing a rapid return to anarchy and terror. "This confirms the obvious, [namely that] the Americans recognize only their own interests. Even if this compels them to abandon their closest friend, they will not hesitate for a moment – for nothing is important [to them] but their own interests." Hmmmmm.........At least the previous military 'genius' had obtained the grade of Corporal.Read the full story here.

  • 'Third terrorist blast on Egypt-Israel gas pipeline since Feb.'(Jpost).Video - Egyptian security sources say men with machine guns plant explosive charges causing pipeline to explode at station in northern Sinai Peninsula forcing shutdown in the flow of gas.ISMAILIA, Egypt - Saboteurs blew up a pipeline carrying gas from Egypt to Israel and Jordan on Monday, forcing a shutdown in the flow of gas, Egyptian security sources said.The explosion took place in the early morning at a station along the pipeline in the northern Sinai Peninsula at Bir Abd, 60 km east of the Suez Canal, the sources said.It was the third attack since early February on the pipeline, which supplies natural gas to Israel and Jordan, local cement plants and a power station.A security source said men with machine guns in a small truck forced guards at the station to leave, then planted explosive charges."We do not have sufficient information until now, but in principle the explosion happened in the same way that the two previous explosions happened," another security source told Reuters.The natural gas company that runs the pipeline closed it down after the explosion, the source said.Witnesses said the sound of the explosion boomed out across the desert, frightening nearby residents, and tongues of fire could be seen above the station.Previous explosions closed on April 27 and Feb. 5 closed the pipeline for weeks.The pipeline is run by Gasco, Egypt's gas transport company which is a subsidiary of the national gas company EGAS.Hmmmmm.........Things blow up much easyer since the Muslim Brotherhood moved in.Read the full story here.

  • Video - They're rehearsing how to Attack Police Stations in France Now.(IslamversusEuropa)The youngsters their 'assault' was the result of the police creating a special team for coping with the youth their criminal activities.

Hmmmm.......Hmmm......."Ah ! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira"
Malgré les mutins tout réussira.
Nos ennemis confus en restent là
Et nous allons chanter « Alla...... »?Read and see the full story here.

    • A woman named: Wafa Sultan.(IslamVersusEurope).Wafa Sultan achieved instant notoriety in the Muslim world when she told a man to shut up.The man was a Muslim preacher, and he and Sultan were being interviewed on Al-Jazeera television in 2006. Infuriated that he had monopolized the interview and knowing that it would soon be over, her patience snapped and she blurted out, ‘Be quiet! It’s my turn!’In her book, A God Who Hates, she writes: ‘I uttered this sentence without realizing that it would open a new chapter in Arab and Muslim history. Never in the history of Islam has a woman clearly and forcefully asked a Muslim man to be quiet because it was her turn to speak. Women in Islamic custom and tradition don’t have a turn. Women in Islam don’t even possess their own selves, or the right to make their own decisions.’A God Who Hates is part biography, part exposé of the effects of Islam on Muslim society in general and on women in particular. She shows how the verse ‘Nothing will befall us except what Allah has ordained’ (Qur’an 9:51) makes Islam a fatalistic religion and removes responsibility from Muslims: ‘As far as they are concerned, whatever happens is God’s will and their faith does not either require them to regret their actions or consider them[selves] responsible for any consequences that might ensue.’ She continues: ‘The Muslim male is the product of a culture that does not know how to take responsibility and which does not hold him accountable for his failures.’ For me, the book is at its most disturbing when it deals with the attitude of Islam towards women. ‘A woman is a defect. This hadith pronounced by Islam’s prophet, Muhammad, was handed down mother to daughter until it reached me. In Islam, this hadith and all its ramifications are sacred: We are forbidden to overstep it, cast doubts on it, or question it. There is no more deadly conviction on earth to a woman than the conviction that she is a defect.’ All of which, frankly, calls into question whether Sultan’s ‘new chapter in Arab and Muslim history’ will—or can—ever be written.Sultan moved to America and renounced Islam but such is its power that she still describes herself as a Muslim… and still receives death threats for her apostasy and for telling the truth about Islam.Hmmmmm.........Just recently i watched a sheik explaining how women are in Paradise what struck me the most was the number of times he said that in paradise women were faultless.Reversing the whole thing for him women on Earth all full of vices and faults.You would obtain a divorce for less in the West.Where are the feminists in the West Now?Read the full story here.

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