Sunday, June 10, 2012

Canada - Farsi classes funded by Canadian public school system use Iranian textbook that depicts Jews as apes.

Canada - Farsi classes funded by Canadian public school system use Iranian textbook that depicts Jews as apes.(YNet).While Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper believes Iran is the biggest threat to world peace and security, some Canadian school kids taking Persian weekend classes, study from Iranian text books depicting Jews as "sons of apes", Canadian network Sun News reported.
In an interview with The Source, Director of the International and Terrorist Intelligence Program at INSIGNIS Strategic Research Inc. David Harris noted that textbooks issued by the Iranian Education Ministry have made their way into public Canadian schools. "Ottawa Carlton Public School Board, a publically funded school board had until 2011 allowed its courses in Farsi on the weekend to use Iranian Ministry of Education textbooks." Harris noted.
"These textbooks included hate literature that included the glorifying of a 13-year old child soldier who had strapped a grenade to himself and blown himself up under an Iraqi tank during the Iran-Iraq war. We've also seen multiple pictures of Ayatollah Khamenei." Harris noted that "these books were given to elementary school students, and even third graders," adding that "Israel of course was vilified. "The Israeli soldiers (in the book) looked ape-like and very much reminiscent of the popular Jihadist portrayal of Jews as the 'sons of apes,'" he said.
"There was a grade three text that portrayed a situation in which a six-year-old Palestinian was instructing his three-year-old brother how to stone Israeli soldiers, and then the passage ends with one of the soldiers beating the young child over the head with blood flowing everywhere." Asked whether Canadian Authorities have done anything to remove the textbooks, Harris noted that the response was unsatisfactory. "We know that some objections were made to senior board officials. The board has since issued a rather vague kind of statement (about) how they then did some sort of review and response to the objections and removed a few images, as they put it, in one story. "Iranian Canadians that have exposed this have emphasized their conviction that the Iranian Embassy in Ottawa in various senses was involved in facilitating this, thereby hijacking in effect an Ottawa Carlton School Board course," he noted. Canada has seen a few anti-Semitic incidents in the past year. In august, culprits sprayed anti-Semitic hate slogans in a synagogue in Toronto. According to a report by CTV news network, employees found slogans reading: "Islam will rule" and swastikas drawn on the walls of the synagogue.Hmmmmm........"Never Again?" there are surely enough preparing for it.Read the full story here.More here.

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