Thursday, September 27, 2012

Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu speaks to UN general assembly – live updates.

HT: IsraelMatzav. Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu speaks to UN general assembly – live updates.(AlGuardian).

Abu Mazen ('Mahmoud Abbas') is supposed to immediately proceed Netanyahu.

Abbas calls for a "new approach" to the peace process. He says the outlines of a peace agreement are well known. "What is needed is the will to implement these components."
A peace deal, Abbas says, must include "the establishment of an independent state of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital" and a "just solution to the Palestinian refugee issues."
Abbas calls on the security council to pass a new resolution setting terms for the resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He says the Palestinian Authority has made preparations verified by the World Bank, the IMF and other international authorities to establish a "modern state" adherent to the "rules of good government."
Abbas refers to last year's abortive effort to make Palestine a full UN member state. "Our endeavor was downvoted despite the fact that an overwhelming majority" supported it. He says the Palestinians' acceptance as a full member of UNESCO was a step to full UN membership.
He asks for a resolution to make Palestine a "non-member state" of the United Nations. "We do not seek to delegitimize an existing state, Israel, but rather to assert a state that must be realized, Palestine."
"We are not trying to delegitimize them. They are trying to delegitimize us."
The line is met with applause.
"Despite our despair," Abbas says, "we continue to extend our hand" to Israeli. There is still a chance, "maybe the last," to save the two-state solution, he says.

Abbas calls for a "new approach" to the peace process. He says the outlines of a peace agreement are well known. "What is needed is the will to implement these components."
A peace deal, Abbas says, must include "the establishment of an independent state of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital" and a "just solution to the Palestinian refugee issues."
Abbas calls on the security council to pass a new resolution setting terms for the resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He says the Palestinian Authority has made preparations verified by the World Bank, the IMF and other international authorities to establish a "modern state" adherent to the "rules of good government."
Abbas refers to last year's abortive effort to make Palestine a full UN member state. "Our endeavor was downvoted despite the fact that an overwhelming majority" supported it. He says the Palestinians' acceptance as a full member of UNESCO was a step to full UN membership.
He asks for a resolution to make Palestine a "non-member state" of the United Nations. "We do not seek to delegitimize an existing state, Israel, but rather to assert a state that must be realized, Palestine."
"We are not trying to delegitimize them. They are trying to delegitimize us."
The line is met with applause
"Despite our despair," Abbas says, "we continue to extend our hand" to Israeli. There is still a chance, "maybe the last," to save the two-state solution, he says. 

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