Thursday, September 27, 2012

Video - Obama Supporter Says Back Obama, He Gives Out Free Phones.

Related: Hmmm.....FCC eyes tax on Internet service........helping to pay for obama's "Free Phones"?

Flashback: MFS - The Other News - Obama Phone: Gov to Spend $2,4 Billion taxpayer money On Millions of Free Phones In 2012.

What We're Up Against: The Obama Phone.(RushLimbaugh).Here are the details of this. There's a website, I'm going to read to you: "The Obama Phone Program. What exactly is the free Obama phone? The free Obama phone is a program that is meant to help the financially unstable who cannot afford access to a cell phone. Communication should not be limited to people in relation to what they are able to afford." They actually call it the Obama phone.
And here are some frequently asked questions from the Obama phone website: "How do I Get an Obama Phone?
"What is the Obama Phone?
"Who Qualifies for an Obama Phone?
"Who Pays for the Obama Phone?
"Is the Obama Phone Real?"
Now, in the "who pays for the Obama phone," in the Obama phone questions: "Lifeline is a government sponsored program, but who is paying for it. Some people claim that the government is using taxpayer's money to run this program, however, the claim is false.
Universal Service Fund (USF) which is administered by Federal Communication Commission along the Universal Service Administration Company (USAC), pays for the Lifeline phone assistance program."
So you and I are paying for Obama phones via the charges that are tacked on to our phone bill for the Universal Service Fund. The Al Gore tax, do you remember that tax? It's still on your phone bill. To wire farms for land line phones. We are still paying that tax. And then there's Internet taxes, Internet access for the poor and number of other things. The outfit that administers that is the Universal Service Fund.
If you can decipher your phone bill you pay every month a tax that goes into the Universal Service Fund and that's what's buying Obama phones and providing service for the people who use them. And, of course, it's known who has them. It's known what their numbers are. And they can be mass texted, individually, I would assume. But, look, before you panic, folks, this is not new. This has been out there for years, and Obama is in dire straits. When you hear about this, and you think, "How do we fight this? Oh my gosh."

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