Monday, January 7, 2013

Barack Obama to nominate today John Brennan as CIA director and Hagel As Defence Sec.

Barack Obama to nominate today John Brennan as CIA director and Hagel As Defence Sec.(NDtv).Washington: President Barack Obama will nominate John Brennan as his next director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Brennan, a 25-year CIA veteran, currently serves as Obama's top counterterrorism adviser. The White House says the president will announce Brennan's nomination during an event on Monday afternoon.
At the same event, an administration official says, the president will also formally announce that he is nominating Chuck Hagel as his next defense secretary. Both men must be confirmed by the Senate.
Obama considered Brennan for the top CIA job in 2008. But Brennan withdrew his name amid questions about his connection to enhanced interrogation techniques while serving in the spy agency during the George W. Bush administration.
Brennan denied involvement in the controversial interrogation tactics, including waterboarding, and has spoken out against them.Hmmmm.....Obama: "But I’m also mindful of the proverb, “A man is judged by his deeds, not his words.” So if you want to know where my heart lies, look no further than what I have done — to stand up for Israel."Read the full story here.

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