Monday, January 7, 2013

Israel's 'Staunchest Ally' the Obama admin has given Hezbullah-dominated Lebanon 200 M113 armored personnel carriers

Israel's 'Staunchest Ally' the Obama admin has given Hezbullah-dominated Lebanon 200 M113 armored personnel carriers. HT: IsraelMatzav.
The United States has given 200 armored vehicles to Lebanon, the Lebanese army said on Monday, bolstering forces that have been struggling to deal with sectarian violence inflamed by the war across the border in Syria.
The M113 armored personnel carriers (APCs) arrived by ship to Beirut on Sunday, the army said in a statement. A Lebanese security source said the army now had 1,200 APCs.
A US diplomat said the shipment of vehicles would support the Lebanese armed forces' "capabilities and their mobility and ability to respond to crises. It is also to protect borders and internal stability".
The United States has provided more than $140 million in equipment and assistance to the Lebanese armed forces in the past six months, including six Huey 2 helicopters, a 42-metre coastal security craft, more than 1,000 guns - including grenade launchers - and 38 million rounds of ammunition.
Hmmmm..........Obama to AIPAC, May 2011: "So make no mistake, we will maintain Israel’s qualitative military edge".....You didn't think he was serious.....Did you?Read the full story here.

Related:  "Israel's staunchest Ally" - Obama admin sells one of the most advanced anti-ship cruise missiles to Egypt

Obama Admin planning to sell 200 Abrams M1A1 SA to Islamist Justice And Development Party Led Moroccan Government.

The administration of President Barack Obama seeks to cut the amount of money Israel receives for its missile defense systems in 2013 by $6.3 million relative to the 2012 budget proposal, according to a report in the Washington Free Beacon.
According to the report, the administration requested $121.7 million in military aid for Israel’s missile defense programs in 2011. That number dropped to $106.1 million in the 2012 budget proposal, and is down to $99.8 million in Obama’s newly released 2013 proposal.

Obama aiding Egyptian 'Muslim Brotherhood' presidency as it tries to buy U-boats.

Obama administration approves sale of tanks to Egypt. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency has informed Congress that it has approved the sale of 125 M1A1 Abrams Tanks to the government of Egypt. According to the DSCA website.Something smells fishy. Selling tanks to Egypt at this moment in time is not unlike pouring gasoline on a forest fire. Is there any reason to believe that the present Egyptian government can be relied upon? Is there any reason to believe that the future government of Egypt can be trusted? On Friday there was yet another round of anti-government protests in Egypt. Earlier this week Ahmed Ezz al-Arab who leads Wafd (Egypt's largest secular party) revealed his full-on hatred for Israel and the Jewish people. Al-Arab sounded like an Ahmadinejad clone as he spewed his Holocaust denial rhetoric and claimed that 9-11 was made in the U.S.A. The most likely party to gain control of Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood has been linked to numerous terrorist organizations and has the objective of ending the peace treaty with Israel. This all begs the question of why Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton would be interested in selling tanks to such an unstable nation which is a powder keg of anti-Israeli ambitions. The Jerusalem Post reports: The Pentagon told Congress - which has 30 days to object to the deal - that the sale of tanks would "contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country that has been and continues to be an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East."

The Pentagon further stated that the new tanks would "provide Egypt with a modern tank fleet, enhancing its capacity to meet current and future threats." With mountains of evidence all pointing towards the victory of forces that are openly hostile to our most valued Israeli allies, it would appear that Mr. Obama, Mrs. Clinton and the DOD are either blind to the situation in the Middle East or are intentionally threatening Israel.

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