Thursday, January 10, 2013

Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel : "The Palestinian people who have been chained down for many, many years.".

Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel : "The Palestinian people who have been chained down for many, many years.".(WND).JERUSALEM  – Terrorism is not a belief but instead is a response to despair and a lack of hope, argued Chuck Hagel in unreported remarks during a 2007 Senate hearing.

But when people have no hope, when there’s despair, little else matters,” said Hagel.

He continued: “And this is not about terrorists don’t like freedom. Tell that to the Palestinian people who have been chained down for many, many years. Terrorism is not a strategy, it’s a tactic. Terrorism is not a plan. It’s not a belief like democracy or monarchy. It’s a tactic.”

Hagel was speaking at a Jan. 24, 2007, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing on Iraq.

Hagel’s views on terrorism are not abnormal for the Obama administration.

John Brennan, President Obama’s counter-terrorism adviser, once defined the term jihad as to “purify oneself or to wage a holy struggle for a moral goal.”

Brennan is now Obama’s pick to head the CIA.

Also in largely unreported remarks, Obama himself claimed the 9/11 attacks were carried out because of a lack of “empathy” for the suffering of others, contending al-Qaida’s terrorist ideology “grows out of a climate of poverty and ignorance, helplessness and despair.”

Obama went on to imply the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were in part a result of U.S. policy, lecturing the American military to minimize civilian casualties in the Middle East and urging action opposing “bigotry or discrimination directed against neighbors and friends of Middle-Eastern descent.” Obama’s piece gained little notice outside the Hyde Park Herald, which covered Obama’s district as a Chicago state senator. The Hyde Park area is heavily influenced by the Nation of Islam.
 It's great to know that our leaders understand the true nature of Jihad.Hmmmm....."The future does not belong to those that slander the Prophet"?Read the full story here.

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