Wednesday, January 16, 2013

US NGO 'Freedom House' calls Obama's BFF Turkey only ‘partly free.

US NGO 'Freedom House' calls Obama's BFF Turkey only ‘partly free.(HD). Turkey is only a "partly free" country due to a serious decline in civil liberties and political rights, U.S. nongovernmental organization Freedom House has said in its annual Freedom in the World report.
The report underlined the decline of civil liberties in Turkey as a major development, while sharply criticizing the rule of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
“[Erdoğan's] government has jailed hundreds of journalists, academics, opposition party officials and military officers in a series of prosecutions aimed at alleged conspiracies against the state and Kurdish organizations,” the report said.
Turkey currently leads the world in the number of journalists behind bars, and democracy advocates are expressing deep concern for the state of press freedom and the rule of law.
Turkey was labeled "partly free" by the report, receiving a score of 3/7 on political rights and 4/7 on civil liberties.
The number of countries qualifying as Partly Free stood at 58, or 30 percent of all countries assessed by the survey, and they were home to 1,613,858,500 people, or 23 percent of the world’s total. The number of Partly Free countries declined by two from the previous year.
Partly free countries are defined by the group as nations "in which there is limited respect for political rights and civil liberties," an "environment of corruption, weak rule of law, ethnic and religious strife,” as well as single-party dominance in the political landscape.
Partly free countries include Togo, Uganda, Tanzania, Tunisia, Guatemala, Malawi, East Timor, Ecuador and others. Hmmmm.....A man is known by the 'company' he keeps.Read the full story here.

Another Obama 'Buddy' is Qatar : 'Not Free'  6  - 5.

1 represents the most free and 7 the least free rating.

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