Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Belgistan Back on Track? Fouad Belkasem aka Abu Imran, Sharia4Belgium leader may serve remainder of his sentence at home with ankle strap.

Belgistan Back on Track? Fouad Belkasem aka Abu Imran, Sharia4Belgium leader may serve remainder of his sentence at home with ankle strap.(Today.Be).(GoogleTranslate).By Alex Kestens. showdown looms in Belgium.Eight months extremists Sharia4Belgium had to wait for the release of their leader Abu Imran. Too bad for them, for their great leader may go home, but he has been banned from talking to his disciples.
Abu Imran, alias Fouad Belkacem, hit Thursday the prison door behind him and went to his home town Boom. There he may serve the remainder of his sentence with an ankle strap. The thirty year old Belkacem was eight months in jail.
Normally he had to remain in jail until November. An application for parole was rejected in December. His request for the rest of his sentence to sit at home under electronic surveillance was it approved. Something that is not even abnormal.
Abu Imran had a lot over in order to be able to return home. Through his lawyers he had previously stated that he wanted to commit, once home, not to speak to the press and that he would 'ignore' his followers.
That is a line through the plans of those followers. Even that in October last year they decided to dismantle Sharia4Belgium, the very extremist members continue to be very active discribe different observers. And there are walking around dozens of them. Only they miss their leader and that is and remains Abu Imran.
He is not in question. Within the group has not risen to the leadership demands. Even without them being 'together' under the name Sharia4Belgium they remain a source of concern for the Belgian security.
It is difficult for them alone without public meetings to recruit new people. On the other hand it is more difficult to figure out what the extremists are up to.Have the Belgians ever heard the expression 'Al-taqiyya or 'Tawriya'?Read the full story here.

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