Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Former Iranian MP: "Failure in Agreement Will Lead Iran, World Powers to Confrontation."

Former Iranian MP: "Failure in Agreement Will Lead Iran, World Powers to Confrontation."(Fars).A former Iranian legislator said if Tehran and the Group 5+1 (the US, Britain, France, Russia and China plus Germany) fail to reach an agreement in the upcoming talks in Kazakhstan, the conditions will grow even more hostile and move towards confrontation.
"The two sides should either go towards an atmosphere of agreement or the atmosphere of confrontation will be aggravated; meaning that this round of talks is the last round," Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh told FNA on Monday.
"The two sides are in agreement over the fact that this round of negotiations is the final stage in the diplomatic study of this issue," he added.
In relevant remarks on Sunday, Chairman of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi told reporters in Tehran that Iran's attitude and the level of its interaction with the West in the upcoming talks with the Group 5+1 in Kazakhstan depends on the approach adopted by the opposite side.
"The Kazakhstan negotiations will produce results if Iran witnesses positive signs from the other side and if the G5+1 shows some signs of interaction, the Iranian team of negotiators will continue the negotiations," he said.
"We stress that if the westerners interact with us, the grounds will be paved for our interaction in the negotiations," the senior legislator added.
Boroujerdi also underlined very explicitly that if the western states want to repeat their previous positions in the talks with Iran, no good results and interactions will be made. Hmmmm.......Give me what i want or i'll close the strait of Hormuz, now that there's only one carrier to keep it open."Leading from Behind" in who's advantage?Read the full story here.

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