Tuesday, February 26, 2013

'Peaceful' Iranian nation Preparing Army to Stage Massive Wargames in March.

'Peaceful' Iranian nation Preparing Army to Stage Massive Wargames in March.(Fars).Commander of the Iranian Army Ground Force Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan said that the Army has planned to stage a series of exercises in Southwestern Iran in the near future.
Pourdastan said on Sunday that the exercise would be held by the end of the current Iranian calendar year (March 20).
The Iranian commander said the military maneuver would involve various corps of forces, such as the infantry, armored, and artillery units, and is aimed at enhancing the defensive readiness of Iran's armed forces against enemy threats.
In January, Pourdastan said all military exercises and trainings of the Iranian Armed Forces are merely meant to serve deterrent purposes.
"When the enemy observes that our Armed Forces are constantly in wargame zones and their fingers are kept on the trigger, it will not dare to invade the Islamic Iran's borders," Pourdastan said at the time, underlining the significance of military trainings for boosting the country's deterrent power.
As regards the Iranian Armed Forces' military exercises, Pourdastan described wargames as "very important" to the Iranian military, and said drills have provided the Iranian military forces, including the Army Ground Force, with an opportunity to test its achievements and remove deficiencies for future missions.
The Iranian Armed Forces last staged drills on January 2. The wargames, codenamed Velayat 91, were conducted by the Iranian Navy in the country's Southern waters for 6 days.
'The Great Naval Wargames of Velayat 91' covered around one million square kilometers from the Strait of Hormuz to the waters up to the 18-degree latitude.
The naval drills were carried out in the Strait of Hormuz, the Sea of Oman, North of the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Aden and Bab-el-Mandeb Strait.
During the exercises, the Navy test-fired various types of long-range missiles from coasts and navy vessels.
Different types of short and long-range coast-to-sea, surface-to-surface, surface-to-air missiles were also tested by Iranian troops and vessels. Iranian submarines also launched smart torpedoes during the drills. Hmmmm......"Sanctions that 'bite' doesn't seem to affect the military 'apparat'?"Read the full story here.

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