Saturday, February 16, 2013

"Israel's Staunchest Ally" - US could cut $300 million in military aid to Israel.....while donating $700 million to Palestine

"Israel's Staunchest Ally" - US could cut $300 million in military aid to Israel.....while donating $700 million to Palestine.(TOI).
Government may have to slash $2.6 billion in global aid if budget debate not resolved by March 1; Jordan and Egypt would be hit too.........Helooooo PALESTINE Obama's NEWEST BFF.
WWASHINGTON (AP) — From Syria to Somalia and across the Mideast down to Mali, looming US budget cuts are creating potentially tough choices for American diplomacy.
The United States will slash up to $2.6 billion in global humanitarian aid, security funds and other international programs in some of the world’s most unstable regions if Congress cannot stave off automatic spending reductions by March 1 that are threatening nearly every federal agency in Washington.
No part of the US budget for diplomacy, foreign aid or security assistance would be left untouched. But the administration can decide which countries and which programs should be spared major pain and which should face bigger cuts.
Counties “around the world are watching the budget debate in the United States, watching with some anxiety — not only with regard to how it might impact our ability to interact with them, but also what it says about our politics,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters Friday.
The cuts would shave $200 million in humanitarian assistance for places like Syria and Somalia, and $300 million in foreign military financing for close US partners including Israel, Jordan and Egypt.
Security at US embassies and consulates, an incredibly sensitive topic since the September attack in Benghazi, Libya, would also be affected, as would international peacekeeping operations in Mali.
It’s unclear how the US would handle foreign military financing if, amid the push-and-pull of budget negotiations, Democrats and Republicans fail to reach a deal.
The administration could favor cutting less from ally Israel, which faced nearly 1,500 rockets fired from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip a few months ago. But that could then force greater reductions for Jordan as it coordinates with the US on a possible emergency action to secure Syria’s chemical weapons. Or the US could ratchet up funding cuts to Egypt’s new Muslim Brotherhood government — at the risk of goodwill as Cairo shepherds an Israeli-Hamas cease-fire and tries to bring stability to the Arab world’s largest country.Hmmmmm......Obama: "But I’m also mindful of the proverb, “A man is judged by his deeds, not his words.” So if you want to know where my heart lies, look no further than what I have done — to stand up for Israel.".......I sincerely hope the Jews give him a warm welcome March 20th in Israel.Read the full story here.

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