Saturday, February 16, 2013

Senior Iranian official Rejects Possible War between Iran, US.

Senior Iranian official Rejects Possible War between Iran, US.(Fars).
"I reject the idea of war. War between us and the US is neither to our benefit, nor to the US benefit. I don't think, at this juncture, the Americans seek to engage in a war with Iran," Director of the Iranian Expediency Council's Center of Strategic Studies Hassan Rouhani said.
The Iranian official noted that at some junctures under the tenure of former US President George W. Bush Washington might have sought to wage war against Iran, but today such conditions are nonexistent, because the US "knows how destructive the ramifications of this war will be for the region and America's interests."
"The end of animosity between Iran and the US will not be war. Israelis, however, may seek to do so. But the Americans are definitely not thinking about war with Iran," Rouhani added.
Israel and its close ally the United States accuse Iran of seeking a nuclear weapon, while they have never presented any corroborative document to substantiate their allegations. Both Washington and Tel Aviv possess advanced weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear warheads.
Iran vehemently denies the charges, insisting that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only. Tehran stresses that the country has always pursued a civilian path to provide power to the growing number of Iranian population, whose fossil fuel would eventually run dry.
Iran has warned that it would target Israel and its worldwide interests in case it comes under attack by the Tel Aviv.
The United States has also always stressed that military action is a main option for the White House to deter Iran's progress in the field of nuclear technology. In response, Iran has warned it would hit the US, Israel and their worldwide interests and close the strategic Strait of Hormuz if it became the target of a military attack over its nuclear program.Hmmmm.....How well the Iranians know 'leading from behind' Obama. Read the full story here.

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