Saturday, February 9, 2013

Kerry to Iran: "The president has made it clear ... he is prepared to talk about a peaceful nuclear program,"

Kerry to Iran: "The president has made it clear ... he is prepared to talk about a peaceful nuclear program," (JPost).Major powers are ready to respond if Iran comes to February 26 nuclear talks ready to address questions about its nuclear program, US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday.
The powers - Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States - are scheduled to meet Iranian negotiators in Almaty, Kazakhstan, later this month to see if there is a way to address Western concerns about Iran's nuclear program.
"The international community is ready to respond if Iran comes prepared to talk real substance and to address the concerns, which could not be more clear, about their nuclear program," Kerry said in an opening statement at a news conference with Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird.
"It's disturbing," Kerry said. "And so my plea to the Iranians - or my statement - is a clear statement. We are prepared to let diplomacy be the victor in this confrontation over their nuclear program."
Kerry appeared to put the accent on the possibility of a diplomatic solution that could allow Iran to continue its civilian nuclear program as long as it convinces other states that its program is not to obtain weapons.
"The president has made it clear ... he is prepared to talk about a peaceful nuclear program," Kerry said.
"Iran has a choice. They have to prove to the world that it is peaceful and we are prepared to sit reasonably and negotiate how they can do that ... . Or they can chose to be more isolated," he said.
"The president has made it clear that his preference is to have a diplomatic solution. But if he cannot get there, he is prepared to do whatever is necessary to make certain that Iran does not have a nuclear weapon," he added.Read the full story here.

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