Monday, February 25, 2013

Obama's BFF Erdogan Attacks Assad, and once again verbally attacks Israel.

                                        Erdogan: 'Those that hate 'them' we must love'.

Obama's BFF Erdogan Attacks Assad, and once again verbally attacks Israel.(INN).In his latest hateful remarks, Turkey’s Prime Minister on Sunday slammed Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad for slaughtering his own citizens, but also took advantage of the opportunity to once again verbally attack Israel.

"Every day a large number of innocent children and women fall dead in Syria," Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on a visit to the United Arab Emirates, according to AFP.

"We will not remain silent on those committing crimes against their people... We will not remain silent on the brutal dictator in Syria," he added.

However, in a reference to Israel, Erdogan also said, according to the Jordan Times, “We will not remain silent in the face of the cruel dictator, the mute devil, who mercilessly carried out massacres against his own people, but who has remained silent and unresponsive toward those who have occupied his own territories for decades.

The remarks are the latest in a verbal war that Erdogan has waged on Israel over the past several years.Hmmmm......I'm sure John Kerry (I Will Implement 'President Obama's Vision For The World') will say Pm Erdogan doesn't recall saying this and it probably was taken out of contest.Read the full story here.

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