Saturday, February 16, 2013

'Surprise! Or not?" - ‘The U.S. Does Not Intend to Attack Iran’.

'Surprise! Or not?" - ‘The U.S. Does Not Intend to Attack Iran’.(IE).By Eli Bardenstein / Ma’ariv Translated by: Viktoria Lymar / IranEdge.
...her speech at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv was interpreted by the senior officials who listened to it as a big hint that the Obama administration has no intention of attacking Iran in almost any scenario.

Under Secretary of State has hinted that Obama is not seriously considering a military option against Iran. She implicitly likened the present state of affairs to the Cuban missile crisis, and emphasized that the dialogue between the parties averted a disaster back at the time.
U.S. Under Secretary of State, Rose Gottemoeller, aroused great concern in Israel, after her speech at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv was interpreted by the senior officials who listened to it as a big hint that the Obama administration has no intention of attacking Iran in almost any scenario.
In the course of her address, Gottemoeller amply implied that the current crisis with Iran is similar in its characteristics to the tension prevailing between the U.S. and Russia during the Cold War, which ended without the use of military force. "Working step by step, we can slowly fix seemingly intractable, unsolvable problems,"* said Gottemoeller.
Despite President Obama has stated on quite a few occasions that he's not advocating a policy of "containment" toward the Iranian nuclear program, and that "all options are on the table," Gottemoeller's listeners felt like from the standpoint of the Americans, the military option exists mostly on paper. Although the subject of the conference where she spoke was "The Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime at a Crossroads," Gottemoeller tried to avoid as much as possible dealing with the Iranian issue, and repeatedly brought examples from the history proving, seemingly, that nearly every crisis can be solved without resorting to military force.
She talked at length about the Cuban missile crisis, when at one point it seemed that it might lead to a nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, and stressed that the intensive dialogue between the parties had prevented a disaster. "One of the challenges confronting both sides was making sure that their perceptions, objectives, and proposals were getting across to each other clearly. This was not an easy thing to do without email, dedicated phone lines or fifty years of cooperation across many different issues," in her words. "[Resolute and sober in their determination,] leaders in Washington and Moscow stepped back from the brink of a nuclear conflict, using every avenue available to settle the crisis peacefully."*

Gottemoeller refrained from saying that the U.S. does not intend to strike Iran in case diplomatic efforts fail utterly. Nevertheless, her audience got an impression from the [general] tone and major emphasis she gave to examples of diplomatic activity from the past, that the U.S. government would do everything possible to avoid using force, – in the way that in the opinion of the Israelis may eventually lead to catastrophic consequences.

A Deception

Israeli experts who listened to her remarks argue that there is no comparison between the era of the Cold War and the Cuban missile crisis, and the current tensions with Iran. "Gottemoeller's beautiful words evoke some ridicule in light of the inability of the U.S. and the West to stop the Iranian nuclear program," they commented.
Israeli sources, updated on the talks between world powers and Iran, claimed yesterday that "the way the Netanyahu government used the fact that Iran had decided to convert some of its enriched uranium for its use in the scientific research reactor – in order to explain why it decided to postpone the military action against the nuclear facilities – is pure deception. That's a pathetic and cynical ladder to come down from the tree."
According to the sources, "Netanyahu's decision to withdraw his plans to attack Iran's nuclear facilities stems from severe pressure from the side of the U.S. and the international community." They said, "Contrary to the impression created, converting the enriched uranium into fuel plates is only slightly distancing Iran from the red line drawn by Netanyahu, and in practice, is insignificant. The Iranian nuclear program continues to advance, and all the rest is humbug."
In the meantime, yesterday it became known that the Iranians began to install new centrifuges in the nuclear facility in the city of Natanz. These centrifuges are expected to increase the rate of uranium enrichment from three times to five – and this is along with the continued Iranian effort to develop fighter missiles and nuclear warheads good to mount on these missiles.Hmmmm.......And Cuba wasn't threatening nearly 8 Million Jews with extermination!Read the full story here.



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