Sunday, March 31, 2013

Countries Ranked by Military Strength (2013)

Countries Ranked by Military Strength (2013).HT GlobalFirePower.
The GFP ranking makes use of over 40 factors to determine each nation's Power Index score. From this score, the finalized ranking is generated. The factors are set within our algorithm which provides a fair canvas and allows smaller, technologically advanced nations to compete with larger, lesser-developed ones. Additionally, various bonuses and penalties are added for refinement.
In the end, we hope it presents an unbiased ranking and realistic outlook on the potential conventional military firepower and strength of a given country for a given year. At the very least, this list can be used to stir healthy debate amongst visitors to GFP.
There are a total of 68 countries in the GFP database. Keep in mind that the final rankings are always being fine-tuned based on new data becoming available as well as feedback. The last major update occurred on 2/17/2013.Hmmmm........Obama: ""Make no mistake," "We will do what it takes to preserve Israel's qualitative military edge -- because Israel must always have the ability to defend itself, by itself, against any threat."Read and see the full story here.

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