Sunday, March 31, 2013

New 'Palestinian' blood libel: "Israeli youth desecrate the Al-Aqsa Mosque with pigs and donkeys"

New 'Palestinian' blood libel: "Israeli youth desecrate the Al-Aqsa Mosque with pigs and donkeys". HT: IsraelMatzav.The latest blood libel by the 'Palestinians' comes from an Egyptian web site, which is claiming that the Jews brought pigs and donkeys to al-Aqsa mosque.

Which, translated, reads:-

A number of young Israeli desecration parts close to the Al-Aqsa mosque, when they had carried a range of animals, including pigs, donkeys and goats, and placed them near the mosque during the celebration of Easter...

The newspaper pointed out that a group of young Israelis and put a group of animals inside the courtyard of the mosque, during the performance of Jewish prayer in front of the Wailing Wall "Wailing", but Israeli police managed to control them and expelled these animals out of the mosque.

That wouldn't be religious hatred incitement?

Besides being factually incorrect? Now what did happen, on the eve of Passover, was that Jews tried to bring a sheep to the Temple Mount for the Passover sacrifice, But the people and the sheep were turned away long before they got there.

You don't think the Arab Muslims would make up something like this, do you?

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