Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Claim: chief investigator behind the Obama Administration's ever widening IRS scandal once dated Michelle Obama

Claim: chief investigator behind the Obama Administration's ever widening IRS scandal once dated Michelle Obama.HT: Examiner.

The man who is making his face well known to Americans as the chief investigator behind the Obama Administration's ever widening IRS scandal very well may have once been the beau years ago to a young law student by the name of Michelle Robinson, better known nowadays as Michelle Obama, as reported by Shane Goldmacher of the National Journal on May 22, 2013. 
J. Russell George is the man assigned as the Inspector General to the Department of the Treasury, and within his purview falls the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Much of that has been to the chagrin of more than a few within the IRS. George is viewed by many as the man who at least has been the catalyst for blowing the lid off the admitted IRS targeting of conservative groups with delays and harassment in their collective quests to gain charity (tax-exempt) status. 

Far from being a liberal Democrat, it turns out that the registered Republican has a bit of a history with the current First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS). While enrolled at the Harvard Law School during the 1980s, George eventually graduated alongside the current FLOTUS, and possibly more than just as friends and colleagues. 

The Inspector General has already admitted that besides the both of them being members of the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) at Harvard University, not that there should be anything exceptional or noteworthy of that.

 But the man who got his start in the world of politics working for the former Republican Senator from Kansas Bob Dole, did state: Michelle was a lovely person, and down to earth. The BLSA went out for pizza; we would go out together. Then after pausing for a moment, George interjected "Don't get me in trouble."

"I think he actually dated Michelle at one point," said the Republican former Congressman from Virginia Tom Davis who worked with George when he was assigned as the staff director for one of the many House oversight subcommittees in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Davis went on to describe George's temperament as "perfect" for the current crisis enveloping the Obama Administration's IRS. As Davis said: You couldn’t ask for a more fair umpire in this. He’s not a fiery Republican type, but obviously he’s not beholden to the administration.Hmmmmm.........Who would have guessed Karma is a B Women.Read the full story here.

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