Friday, May 17, 2013

Fatah Marks 65th Nakba Day: We Cling To The Refugees' Right To Return To Their Homes In The 1948 Territories.

Fatah Marks 65th Nakba Day: We Cling To The Refugees' Right To Return To Their Homes In The 1948 Territories.HT: Memri. For the 65th Nakba Day, Fatah and its spokesmen underlined their continued adherence to the Palestinian refugees' right of return to their homes in all of the 1948 territory, and noted that that this sacred right is passed down from father to son and is to be bargained over. Articles in the Palestinian Authority (PA) daily newspapers stressed that Palestinian children would not forget the Nakba of their fathers, and that they were determined to return to their homes in Ramla, Lod, Jaffa, Haifa, Beersheba, Acre, and all the rest of the 1948 territories.

These statements demonstrate Fatah's dual position. On the one hand, it supports a two-state solution and the establishment of a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders – and, with the backing of the Arab League, has expressed willingness to agree to some land swaps – and also advocates a just and agreed-upon solution for the refugee problem. On the other hand, it expresses its commitment to the principle of the refugees' right to return to their homes within the 1948 territories. A clear expression of this duality can be seen in Palestinian President Mahmoud 'Abbas's Nakba Day speech, in which he reiterated his support for a two-state solution and a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders, but, at the same time, chose to speak of a "just solution" to the refugee problem, rather than "a just and agreed-upon solution," which is the phrasing used in the Arab peace initiative.Read the full story here.

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