Saturday, May 18, 2013

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Sec Gen Ramadan Shalah: “ what was taken by force can only be regained by force.”

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Sec Gen Ramadan Shalah: “what was taken by force can only be regained by force.” (Mehr). Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Secretary General has highlighted the historical rights of Palestinians to the land, swearing not to let down until the victory and freedom of Palestine.

German News Agency reported that during an address in the 65th anniversary of‘Youm al nakba’ (occupied Palestinian catastrophe) entitled "Palestine will unite us ", held by Egyptian journalists union, Ramadan Shalah said: “Palestine is our historical right, and we will never give-up its freedom until victory.”

He emphasized: “the occupation of Palestine was the baggiest theft operation of history.”

Ramadan Abdullah pointed to the signed agreements between the Palestinian Authority and Israel, and said: “what does it mean to revive ‘Youm al nakba’, while the main reasons for the catastrophe is us, because we signed away Haifa and Jaffa ourselves?”

What does it mean to revive the 65th anniversary of the day of catastrophe, while the Palestinian rights of boarder of June 7th, 1967 are besieged?

He addressed the Arabs and Islamic Ummah: “you should pin your hope to the Palestinian Resistance, which during the eight-day war, forces the loss and suffering taste to the enemy, and we will never give-up this option.

“As Gamal Abdel Nasser had said that ‘what was taken by force can only be regained by force,’ Palestine is our historical right, and we will never give-up it freedom until victory,” he asserted. Hmmmmm......Peace in the 'Holy Land'?NEVER.Read the full story here.

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