Friday, May 24, 2013

"Two Faced" - Russia Says Syria Will Attend Geneva Peace Talks coordinated by Russia and the United States.

"Two Faced" - Russia Says Syria Will Attend Geneva Peace Talks coordinated by Russia and the United States.(NYTimes).
MOSCOW — The Syrian government has agreed to participate in an international peace conference coordinated by Russia and the United States, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Friday.“We note with satisfaction that Damascus has confirmed its readiness in principle to participate in an international conference in the interest of the Syrians themselves finding a political path to a settlement of the conflict that has been devastating for the country and the region,” the spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich, said in a statement.

The Russian foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, and Secretary of State John Kerry had agreed during a meeting in Moscow earlier this month to pull together the peace conference, with Russia responsible for bringing the government of President Bashar al-Assad to the table and the Americans focused on securing the participation of the Syrian opposition. The meeting is expected next month.

But even as Mr. Lukashevich said that the Syrian government had committed to participating in the talks, he cited “complicating factors” that he said were undermining efforts to broker an end to the violence.

He said some steps by the West at the United Nations in New York and in Geneva were counterproductive.
 “It’s regrettable that despite our persistent appeals to some partners, after the Russian-American initiative has already been announced, a decision on Syria was imposed on the U.N. General Assembly, which was lopsided in its character and contradicting to the consensus being formed in the world in favor of political settlement in this country,” he said.   Hmmm.....US, Turkey, Qatar call for UN rights debate on Syria......Ever heard the expression "Two Faced"?Read the full story here.

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