Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Video - Leading Sunni Scholar Al-Qaradhawi in Visit to Gaza Calls for Jihad, Prays to Become Martyr

Leading Sunni Scholar Al-Qaradhawi in Visit to Gaza Calls for Jihad, Prays to Become Martyr.

Following are excerpts from the coverage of leading Sunni scholar Yousuf Al-Qaradhaw's visit to Gaza, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV and Al-Jazeera Network on May 8-11, 2013:

Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya: Today, we say with pride that Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi is the sheik of Jihad in Palestine, the sheik of Al-Aqsa, of Jerusalem, and of Palestine. We say this out of recognition for the great role played by him, as well as other Muslim scholars, in strengthening our position in this land, and in supporting the steadfastness of our people and of the resistance.

We have been talking [with the people of Gaza] about how our entire Jihad, all our efforts, our lives, our hopes, and our aspirations are to die for the sake of Allah, so that Palestine can live. Brothers, this is essential.

Master of Ceremonies: Now we shall present our imam, Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi, with a Palestinian passport and Palestinian citizenship. The prime minister will now sign it.

Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: We are working toward the liberation of the prisoners, and the liberation of the land of Palestine. We are striving to liberate Palestine in its entirety, without excluding a single inch. Palestine in its entirety has been usurped by those Zionists, who were empowered by the West as a certain point in time. They seized our land, banishing its people to all corners of the world. They began to live in this land as if it were their own, but it does not belong to them. They came from all over, from different countries. With our Jihad, we strive to liberate the land of Palestine, and to bring back all those who were scattered to all corners of the world – to Arab and Muslim countries, to countries of the West, to countries of the East, to Europe, to America, and all over. They have been dispersed worldwide. These people have the right to return.

For a long time I have been praying to Allah to honor me by granting me martyrdom for His sake. I was expecting the Israelis to fire a missile at me, so that I could become a martyr for the sake of Allah. I pray to Allah...

Crowd: Allah Akbar. All praise to Allah.

Allah Akbar. All praise to Allah.

Allah Akbar. All praise to Allah.

Allah Akbar. All praise to Allah.

Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: I pray to Allah to grant us this martyrdom, Allah willing.Source: Memri.

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