Monday, May 27, 2013

'What's in the Name?' - [Jewish state not in two state formula?] Secy of State Kerry at WEF.

'What's in the Name?' - [Jewish state not in two state formula?] Secy of State Kerry at WEF.HT: IMRA.By Dr. Aaron Lerner.

Three observations.

#1. Note the difference: Secretary of State Kerry opted for the Palestinian position - yes Israel state, no mention Jewish state, in the two state solution formula.

"peace based on the two-state solution – a secure state of Israel and a viable, independent state of Palestine"

This in contrast to remarks just days ago by another American official.

"... two states for two peoples—a secure, Jewish, and democratic state of Israel next to a sovereign, viable Palestinian state."

Remarks On Receiving the American Jewish Committee's Distinguished Public Service Award At the AJC's Women's Leadership Board's Annual Spring Luncheon Susan E. Rice -U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations New York, NY May 9, 2013

(Granted, later in the address he says "In the end, the only way for Israel to survive and thrive as a secure, Jewish, democratic and economically successful state is through the realization of an independent and viable Palestine" but this is as an argument by Mr. Kerry why Israel should make a deal - not a PRINCIPLE cited as part of the formula for talks.

#2. Tourism may indeed have tremendous potential but it also is the most sensitive to changes in local conditions. Mr. Kerry can ask the Egyptians about this. So does it make sense to focus on pouring money into tourism projects that a few "enemies of peace" can wreck - with the rebound effect of even greater frustration when the projects stall? Why not instead focus on economic activity that is significantly more resilient?

#3. Mr. Kerry doesn't read the New York Times : "And I say to you, President Abbas: No one is talking about temporary borders. We are talking about an end-of-conflict, end-of-claims peace. "Read the full story here.

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