Thursday, December 19, 2013

190 countries cast votes in favor of Iran’s anti-violence proposal at UN General Assembly

190 countries cast votes in favor of Iran’s anti-violence proposal at UN General Assembly.(Taz).
Some 190 countries on Thursday cast positive votes on Iran's proposal to denounce extremism and violence at the United Nation General Assembly, IRNA reported.
President Hassan Rouhani in his address at the UN General Assembly in September offered Iran's proposal to denounce extremism and violence and his idea was ratified with 190 positive votes and turned into a resolution on Thursday.

All member states gave positive votes to the resolution and no country opposed it.

Even the US and Canada which always oppose Iran's proposals at the international gatherings approved Iran's proposal.

The US representative to the UN said Washington believes that negotiation is the best method in dealing with extremism and violence in the world.

Iranˈs Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mohammad Khazaei said the Zionist regime is angry with the adoption of the anti-radicalism proposal of the Iranian President as a UN General Assembly resolution.

Talking to IRNA on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session, Khazaei said the adoption of the resolution was an important achievement for the UN body.

He said radicalism posed a serious threat to the world that should be eradicated.
Khazaei said the message the resolution adopted today is that Iran is country which seeks justice and peace.Hmmmm.....It's official now.... The United Nutcases.

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