Sunday, December 8, 2013

"Freedom Of Religion" - Turkish gov't lists churches allowed to hold services, only NINE are allowed to host religious services.

"Freedom Of Religion" - Turkish gov't lists churches allowed to hold services, only NINE are allowed to host religious services.(TZ).

Church buildings that were turned into museums have been categorized in terms of whether they are allowed to hold services and whether they charge visitors a fee for attending religious services, the Taraf daily reported on Sunday.

Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Bursa deputy Aykan Erdemir asked a parliamentary question directed at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on the issue after noticing that officials did not allow a service to be held at the Taksiyarhis church in Ayvalık, Balıkesir province.
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism stated in its response that only nine churches that are now museums are allowed to host religious services. 
The statement did not clarify the criteria according to which the permission has been decided. Speaking to the Taraf daily, Laki Vingas, a representative of the Greek minority in Turkey, said his community is not aware of such a list. “If there is a list categorizing which churches are permissible for service, then officials should have consulted us,” he explained.

According to Vingas, people are asked for a visitor's fee before attending services at some churches that have become museums. A group of Christians was not allowed to hold a service in a church in the northern province of Sinop in 2012 on the grounds that the church was not permitted to host such ceremonies.Hmmm....Please God keep Turkey out of Europe.

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