Friday, December 13, 2013

Iran Halts Expert-Level N. Talks in Vienna.

Iran Halts Expert-Level N. Talks in Vienna.(Fars).

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian negotiators in Vienna halted nuclear talks with major world powers to return to Tehran for consultations after Washington blacklisted a dozen companies and individuals for evading US sanctions.

The negotiators had been discussing the implementation of a landmark interim accord agreed last month with the Group 5+1 (Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States, plus Germany).

"The Iranian negotiators interrupted the talks with the G5+1 for consultations in Tehran," a negotiator said on Thursday, the Iranian Mehr News Agency reported.

Under the interim deal reached in Geneva, Iran agreed to freeze parts of its suspect nuclear program for six months in return for some $7bln in relief from western sanctions.

The United States also agreed to refrain from slapping new sanctions on Iran, but senior administration officials argued that Thursday's measures were taken as part of the existing sanctions regime against Tehran.

Echoing Iran, Russia said on Friday that a new U.S. measure targeting companies and individuals for supporting Tehran's nuclear program violated the spirit of a deal reached with major powers last month and could hinder its implementation, Reuters reported.

"The U.S. administration's decision goes against the spirit of this document," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said of the Nov. 24 interim agreement under which Tehran would curb its nuclear program in exchange for limited relief from economic sanctions over the next six months.

"Widening American 'blacklists' could seriously complicate the fulfilment of the Geneva agreement, which proposes easing the sanctions regime," Zakharova said in a statement.

Under pressure from Congress to demonstrate that it is not easing up on sanctions on Iran's oil sector or on its nuclear and missile programs, the Obama administration on Dec. 12 announced an expanded list of companies and individuals that it said it would target to block their trading activities around the world, NY Times reported on Dec. 13.

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