Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Video - Christian Jordanian MP Calls to Exclude Jihad against Israel from Terrorism Law.

Video - Christian Jordanian MP Calls to Exclude Jihad against Israel from Terrorism Law.
During a session of the Jordanian Lower House of Parliament on December 11, Christian Jordanian MP Tareq Al-Khouri called to amend the State Security Court Law to exclude Jihad against Israel from terrorism crimes. Citing a hadith, Al-Khouri said that when Muslim lands are occupied, Jihad becomes "an individual duty incumbent upon every Muslim." Following the debate, the Lower House endorsed the proposal.

Following are excerpts from Al-Khouri's statement, which was posted on the Internet on December 11, 2013.

Tareq Al-Khouri: Sajida [Al-Rishawi], who participated in the Amman [2005] bombings, was tried for the crime of terrorism. Anybody who carries out an act of resistance against the Zionist occupier is also tried for the crime of terrorism.

As it says in the prophetic hadith: "If even an inch of the lands of the Muslims is occupied, Jihad becomes an individual duty incumbent upon every Muslim." In order to avoid legislating laws that run counter to the hadith of our Prophet Muhammad, I propose to exclude from Article 3A [of the State Security Court Law] any act of resistance against the Zionist occupier. Thank you.HT: Memri.

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