Tuesday, December 10, 2013

White House Furiously Tries To Downplay Obama’s Handshake With 'Comrade' Raul Castro.

'Old Comrades in Arms' - A pitty they were not playing 'the internationale'

White House Furiously Tries To Downplay Obama’s Handshake With 'Comrade' Raul Castro.(Nationalreview).

American presidents should avoid shaking the hand of dictators, especially those that have American blood on theirs.

One example of many: Raul Castro was Minister of Defense in 1996 when Cuban Air Force Mig’s, cold-bloodedly and over international airspace destroyed two civilian U.S. airplanes with four American rescue workers on board.

President Clinton rightly condemned the attack as cowardly, while Raul Castro decorated his pilots for bravery.

That incident alone illustrates the difference between the two systems that are embodied in the two leaders. 

President Obama seems unaware of the importance of his office or of the mantle of honor he wears as the leader of the world’s oldest democracy and the liberator of nations.

On his way to the rostrum, Obama also shook the hand of Robert Mugabe, the strongman ruler of Zimbabwe, and hugged Dilma Rousseff, the president of Brazil, who has stridently opposed spying by the National Security Agency and criticized the U.S. government.

There is no moral equivalence between the leader of the free world and the leader of a morally bankrupt military dictatorship that holds power only by force.

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