Monday, April 14, 2014

'Moderate' Iranian Court Sentences Former U.S. Marine To 10 Years In Prison.

'Moderate' Iranian Court Sentences Former U.S. Marine To 10 Years In Prison.(rferl).

A n Iranian appeals court has reportedly upheld the 10-year prison sentence of a former U.S. Marine held in Iran since 2011.

Amir Hekmati, a dual U.S.-Iranian citizen, was arrested in August 2011, then tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for spying.

His family and the U.S. government have repeatedly denied Hekmati is a spy.

Iran's Supreme Court overturned Hekmati's death sentence in 2012 and ordered a retrial.

His lawyer says Hekmati was then charged with collaborating with the U.S. government, tried in secret, and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

The lawyer, Mahmud Alizadeh Tabatabaei, said Iran's Appeals Court upheld the sentence. He said he is now seeking Hekmati's conditional release.

There has been no official U.S. comment on the report. The U.S. government in November asked Iran to free Hekmati.

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