Saturday, November 8, 2014

French police arrests 200 ISIS sleeper operatives in Paris.

French police arrests 200 ISIS sleeper operatives in Paris. (SP).

French police has arrested 200 terrorists of so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) operatives after the raids in different parts of the country, The Shia Post reports.

French intelligence in collaboration with Iraqi Security Agencies arrested 200 ISIS sleeper cells.

The deputy of Iraqi Interior Minister, Adnan al-Asadi said, “The cooperation between the two intelligence agencies has been made secretly, leading to the arrest of 200 ISIS cells in Paris.”

The French authorities tracked information and phone calls last week that led to the arrest of the sleeper cells.” According to reports, thousands of takfiri sleeper cells are living in different countries and some are killing innocent people and some are planing for deadly attacks. Hmmm.....Ok that's one City, guess how many more there are around, in France...Europe .....North America?

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