Tuesday, November 4, 2014

'Moderate' Iran and 'Advanced Democracy' Turkey rank among the lowest in the world for gender equality.

'Moderate' Iran and 'Advanced Democracy' Turkey rank among the lowest in the world for gender equality. (NCRI).

Iran under the rule of the clerical regime ranked 137th in gender equality among 142 countries according to a recently published international survey.

The classification presented in the latest report by the World Economic Forum was published on October 28, 2014.

The Scandinavian countries are at the top of the list, while Iran is placed at the bottom of the list in 137th place, followed by Mali, Chad, Pakistan, and Yemen.

In the report of last year, Iran was placed 130th among the 136 countries assessed.

This classification is carried out through assessments made on several criteria: opportunities for women to participate in economic activities, women's access to education, women's access to health and medical care and women's access to political office.

Based on these four criteria, Iran was placed respectively in 139th, 104th, 89th and 135th place.

Turkey under Erdogan went down from 120 place in 2013 to 125 th place in 2014. 

Hmmm......Please keep Turkey out of Europe!Read the full story here.

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