Thursday, December 18, 2014

Incitement against Abbas: Gaza posters depict hanging of PA leader.

Incitement against Abbas: Gaza posters depict hanging of PA leader. (Jpost).

Posters depicting the hanging of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas were discovered on walls in the streets of Gaza early Thursday morning. 

The posters had fierce messages against Abbas describing him as a "dictator" and a "traitor."

According to media reports in Gaza, supporters of former senior Fatah official Muhammad Dahlan are responsible for the posters.

Dahlan is a main Fatah rival of Abbas, who had him ousted from the movement in 2011.

Dahlan, who commanded the security forces of the PLO previous to the Hamas takeover, still has a strong base of support in Gaza, despite the fact that he currently resides in the United Arab Emirates. Hmmm.....Yup surely because Hamas is now a EU recognized 'Humanitarian ORG' Read the full story here.

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