Saturday, December 20, 2014

Iran insists on implementing S-300 missile system deal with Russia

Iranian DIY S-300.
Iran insists on implementing missile system deal with Russia. (Taz).

Iran still insists on getting the S-300 missile system from Russia, the country’s Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan said

He said that Russian side has illegally canceled the contract under the pressure from Israel and the US, Iran’s Mehr news agency reported Dec. 20.

Russians used the international sanctions as an excuse to repeal the agreement meanwhile the contract was signed before the sanctions, he said.

In December 2006 the UN Security Council imposed a partial embargo on the export of technology related to nuclear weapon delivery systems to Iran, which includes certain technologies which can be used in conventional military applications. This was followed in June 2010 by a UN embargo on the export of most major conventional weapons to Iran.

Dehghan said that Iran did not accept the Russian offer for substituting S-300, adding that Iran has fulfilled its commitments within the agreement and wants Russia to do the same.
A contract inked in 2007 requires Russia to provide Iran with at least five S-300 missile defense systems.

However, Moscow refrained from meeting its obligations under the pretext that they were covered by the fourth round of the UN Security Council resolutions against Iran.

In September 2010, then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree banning the delivery of the S-300 systems to the Islamic Republic.

Russia's refusal to deliver the systems under the contract prompted Iran to file a complaint with the International Court of Arbitration in Geneva against the Russian arms company Rosoboronexport.

Earlier Iranian media outlets reported that Tehran has rejected Russia's proposal to supply the Islamic Republic with S-300VM "Antey-2500" anti-ballistic missile system, instead of the promised S-300 systemHmmm......Lol...Whatever happened to 'our home build system is better then the S-300'?

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