Saturday, December 20, 2014

It seems that the AKP is trying to base its “fascism a la Turka” on two legs.

It seems that the AKP is trying to base its “fascism a la Turka” on two legs. HT: TodaysZaman. Mehmet ALTAN.

The illegal operation conducted by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) administration against the media will be remembered in Turkish history as “Black Sunday.” 

This was not just an operation staged by a man who collaborated with the deep state to cover up corruption charges against him. This was also a clear indication of the change of the route and direction of Turkey’s two-century-old journey, which will soon have some grave and historic breakdowns and repercussions. The political administration in Turkey with this operation burned its bridges with the Western world and changed its direction towards the Middle East.

This administration actually knew that the operation staged against journalists, including Zaman daily Editor-in-Chief Ekrem Dumanlı and other journalists affiliated with the Gülen movement, would cause a serious deterioration in Turkey’s relations with Europe. Despite this, the operation was staged on Sunday, and Europe issued some strong statements of condemnation. Its statements indicated that “Hitler fascism a la Turka” would not tolerated in Europe.

They are seeking to create a Middle Eastern country where a chief will have all discretion and power to rule, where the political administration cannot be held accountable and where the government is free to be corrupt. 

It seems that the AKP is trying to base its “fascism a la Turka” on two legs. On the one hand, it stages operations to oppress the media in order to create an entirely pro-government media, and on the other hand, it also consolidates an anti-secularist front by relying on discourse that claims they are in politics to please God, by waging campaigns to oppose secularist styles in education and by trying to impose the Ottoman Turkish language as a compulsory course in some educational institutions.

The AKP is trying to invent a new religion where corruption is not considered a prohibited act, stealing is sanctified and bribery is regarded as ordinary. Read the full story here.

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