Saturday, December 20, 2014

Two Istanbul-bound passengers found with automatic weapons at the Vienna airport......Are released.

Two Istanbul-bound passengers found with automatic weapons at the Vienna airport....Are released. (OE24).[GoogleTranslate]
Two passengers flew with machine gun and ammunition. 
At Vienna's Schwechat airport, two people were arrested and taken shortly before their departure to Istanbul from the airplane on Friday.

In her checked luggage a machine gun and ammunition was found in a second control .

Not able to confirm the speaker reports which claim that it could be in the pair latu a media report to supporters of the terrorist militia "Islamic State" (IS), which Turkey wanted to travel to Syria.

It is determined , the Federal Agency for State Protection and Counter Terrorism have certainly taken the investigation. The two people, an Austrian and a Turkish woman, were released after their hearing. Hmmm......Some days i really wonder if it's the fluoride in the water that effects the population. Ever heard of ISIS?

HT And Source:

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