Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Irish Holocaust Memorial Organization Backtracks On Guideline Not To Mention Israel

Irish Holocaust Memorial Organization Backtracks On Guideline Not To Mention Israel. HT: Matzav.

An Irish Holocaust memorial organization said that Israel will be mentioned at a Dublin commemoration ceremony in January in response to reports that it had instructed the master of ceremonies to refrain from mentioning the Jewish state.

In October, the website Israellycool.com reported that Holocaust Education Trust Ireland (HETI) board chairman Peter Cassell wrote in a letter that “it was decided in [the] future, the MC of Holocaust Memorial Day will not refer to the Jewish state or the State of Israel during any part of the ceremony.”

It was subsequently reported that Yanky Fachler, the recipient of the letter and a longtime master of ceremonies of the annual event, was recently fired by HETI.

“They came to an absolutely unacceptable decision, and someone must be held accountable for it. I don’t know how they did it, or why they did it, but we need to know how they got to this decision,” Fachler told The Algemeiner.

HETI eventually reversed its policy, issuing a statement that said there “is no ban on mentioning Israel at the Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration in Ireland.”

“Israel will be referred to and the Israeli ambassador has attended and participated in the ceremony since its inception in 2003, and will do so again in January 2015. Holocaust Education Trust Ireland (HETI) has this week reassured the Jewish Community in Ireland of this,” the organization said.

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