Monday, December 15, 2014

"Putin in Erdoland" - Use of state performers in Erdoğan’s palace as show for Putin stirs debate.

The 'games' the mighty of this world play

"Putin in Erdoland" - Use of state performers in Erdoğan’s palace as show for Putin stirs debate. (HD).

A debate has been stirred in Turkey after Russian President Vladimir Putin was treated to a closed door performance by costumed state actors during his visit to the new presidential palace in Ankara on Dec. 1, fueling the already heated discussions over the future of state-run theaters.

Executives of a private firm that helped organize events at the “Ak Saray” presidential palace had demanded that actors from the Ankara State Theaters appear at the palace in costumes, including those of local poets Rumi and Yunus Emre, as well as classic Russian authors.

Daily Cumhuriyet reported on Dec. 13 that the theater management had accepted the request, even without preparing the paperwork to appoint actors for the diplomatic mission. The actors who took part were later reportedly presented with certificates of appreciation.

However, some of their colleagues at the Ankara State Theaters have reacted negatively.

Will they be sending us to the circumcision feasts of the children of ministers soon? Are we court jesters?” asked one actor, speaking on condition of anonymity. Read the full story here.

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