Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Jewish fraternity house at the Univ of California at Davis spray-painted with Antisemitic swastikas.

Jewish fraternity house at the University of California at Davis spray-painted with Antisemitic red swastikas. (SP).

Brothers at a Jewish fraternity at the University of California at Davis awoke Saturday to find red swastikas spray-painted on their off-campus house.

The police believe the two swastikas, one on an exterior wall and another on the ground in front of an entrance to the house, were painted sometime between 3 AM and 9 AM Saturday morning.

“It shook me up this morning, definitely made me feel marginalized on campus,” said Alpha Epsilon Pi vice president Nathaniel Bernhard.

Nothing rivals a swastika as a more potent or offensive symbol of hatred and violence toward our Jewish community members,” said UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi in a written statement. She added that the graffiti was “repugnant and a gross violation of the values our university holds dear.”

The timing of the attack wasn’t entirely surprising to some members of the fraternity, who noted a tense atmosphere surrounding the January 29 student vote to urge the UC system to divest from “corporations that aid in the Israeli occupation of Palestine and illegal settlements in Palestinian territories.”

This whole week has kind of been not a great week to be a Jewish student on campus,” said Bernhard.

Katehi responded to the vote with a statement stressing that such resolutions do not reflect the administration’s position, “The investment policy for the University of California system, including UC Davis, is set by the UC Board of Regents.”

A coalition of student groups posted a statement on the Twitter account of Students for Justice in Palestine in response to the vandalism: “Just as we condemn the hanging of a noose, the defamation of the Palestinian dove, or calling students ‘terrorists’ based on their physical appearance or beliefs, we equally condemn the display of the swastika,” said the SJP of UC Davis, adding that, “We reject any attempt to blame this on any single student community, including the UC Davis Divestment movement." Hmmm.....Sure and crows wear stiletto heels......That's why we chant 'Allahu Akbar'. Read the full story here.


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